On 20.02.23 23:16, Joel Jacobson wrote:
In the new attached patch, Andres fixed buffer idea has been implemented
throughout the entire numeric.c code base.

I think the definition of the "preinitialized constants" could be adapted to this as well. For example, instead of

    static const NumericDigit const_one_data[1] = {1};
    static const NumericVar const_one =
    {1, 0, NUMERIC_POS, 0, NULL, (NumericDigit *) const_one_data};

it could be something like

    static const NumericVar const_one =
    {0, 0, NUMERIC_POS, 0, NULL, NULL, 1, {1}};

Or perhaps with designators:

    static const NumericVar const_one =
    {.sign = NUMERIC_POS, .buflen = 1, .fixed_buf = {1}};

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