On Fri, Mar 10, 2023 at 03:36:10PM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> Justin Pryzby <pry...@telsasoft.com> writes:
> > Update to address a compiler warning in the supplementary patches adding
> > assertions.
> I took a look through this.  It seems like basically a good solution,
> but the count_leaf_partitions() function is bothering me, for two
> reasons:
> 1. It seems like a pretty expensive thing to do.  Don't we have the
> info at hand somewhere already?

I don't know where that would be.  We need the list of both direct *and*
indirect partitions.  See:

If it would help to avoid the concern, then I might consider proposing
not to call get_rel_relkind() ...

> 2. Is it really safe to do find_all_inheritors with NoLock?  If so,
> a comment explaining why would be good.

In both cases (both for the parent and for case of a partitioned child
with pre-existing indexes being ATTACHed), the table itself is already
locked by DefineIndex():

    lockmode = concurrent ? ShareUpdateExclusiveLock : ShareLock;
    rel = table_open(relationId, lockmode);

                childrel = table_open(childRelid, lockmode);
                table_close(childrel, NoLock);

And, find_all_inheritors() will also have been called by
ProcessUtilitySlow().  Maybe it's sufficient to mention that ?


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