Hi Andrey,

27.03.2023 01:17, Andrey Borodin wrote:
I've ported the B-tree TOAST test to GiST, and, as expected, it fails.
Finds non-indexed tuple for a fresh valid index.

I've tried to use this feature with the latest patch set and discovered that
modified pg_amcheck doesn't find any gist indexes when running without a
schema specification. For example:
CREATE TABLE tbl (id integer, p point);
INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (1, point(1, 1));
CREATE INDEX gist_tbl_idx ON tbl USING gist (p);
CREATE INDEX btree_tbl_idx ON tbl USING btree (id);

pg_amcheck -v -s public
pg_amcheck: checking index "regression.public.btree_tbl_idx"
pg_amcheck: checking heap table "regression.public.tbl"
pg_amcheck: checking index "regression.public.gist_tbl_idx"

but without "-s public" a message about checking of gist_tbl_idx is absent.

As I can see in the server.log, the queries, that generate relation lists in
these cases, differ in:
... AND ep.pattern_id IS NULL AND c.relam = 2 AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'S', 'm', 
't') AND c.relnamespace != 99 ...

... AND ep.pattern_id IS NULL AND c.relam IN (2, 403, 783)AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'S', 'm', 't', 'i') AND ((c.relam = 2 AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'S', 'm', 't')) OR ((c.relam = 403 OR c.relam = 783) AND c.relkind = 'i')) ...

Best regards,

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