
I have been updating pgAudit for PG16 and ran into the following issue in the regression tests:

\connect - user1
WARNING:  permission denied to set parameter "pgaudit.log_level"

This happens after switching back and forth a few times between the current user when the regression script was executed and user1 which is created in the script. Specifically, it happens at [1].

I have tracked the issue down to context == PGC_USERSET for case PGC_SUSET in set_config_option_ext(). This GUC is PGC_SUSET so it seems like once it is set reloading it should not be an issue.

If the GUC is set again immediately before the \connect then there is no error, so it looks like the correct context is being lost somewhere along the way.

Before I get into serious debugging on this issue, I thought it would be good to bring it up in case the answer is obvious to someone else.


[1] https://github.com/pgaudit/pgaudit/compare/dev-pg16-ci#diff-db4bb73982787fa1d07d4c9d80bc54028b8d2a52b80806f1352a42c42f00eaaaR604

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