Ian Lawrence Barwick <barw...@gmail.com> writes:
> While poking around at an update for that, unless I'm missing something it is
> now not possible to use "CREATE RULE ... ON SELECT" for any kind of relation,
> given that it's disallowed on views / material views already.

What makes you think it's disallowed on views?  You do need to use
CREATE OR REPLACE, since the rule will already exist.

regression=# create view v as select * from int8_tbl ;
regression=# create or replace rule "_RETURN" as on select to v do instead 
select q1, q2+1 as q2 from int8_tbl ;
regression=# \d+ v
                             View "public.v"
 Column |  Type  | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Description 
 q1     | bigint |           |          |         | plain   | 
 q2     | bigint |           |          |         | plain   | 
View definition:
 SELECT int8_tbl.q1,
    int8_tbl.q2 + 1 AS q2
   FROM int8_tbl;

Now, this is certainly syntax that's deprecated in favor of using
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW, but I'm very hesitant to remove it.  ISTR
that ancient pg_dump files used it in cases involving circular
dependencies.  If you want to adjust the docs to say that it's
deprecated in favor of CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW, I could get on
board with that.

                        regards, tom lane

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