Dear PostgreSQL Community,

Hope you all are doing very well.
My name is Francisco Arbelaez and I would like to introduce myself in behalf of 
Bancolombia, from Open Source Office.
>From the Bancolombia organization, we have the responsibility to migrate 
>private licensed technology to Open Source. More specifically, database 
>migration from Oracle to PostgreSQL.
On one of these migrations, we had the necessity to implement an automatic user 
lockout strategy for users who do not log into the database in a given number 
of days, similar to a functionality that already exists in the Oracle 
Based on the official contribution documentation, we have reviewed the TODOs 
and the PostgreSQL archives and have not found any related contribution. >From 
the Open Source Office of Bancolombia, we have a possible contribution which 
could help to solve this need and to increase the value of PostgreSQL as an 
Open Source database engine.

If it matches your needs and objectives, I would like to receive more 
information related to the next steps of this contribution.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best regards,
Francisco Arbelaez
Open Source Office of Bancolombia

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Francisco Luis Arbeláez López.

Ingeniero de Software Oficina Open Source.

Vicepresidencia Servicios de Tecnología

4040000 - 41628

Medellín – Colombia

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