On Thu, 8 Jun 2023 at 15:49, Jan Wieck <j...@wi3ck.info> wrote:

> On 6/8/23 13:31, Dave Cramer wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, 8 Jun 2023 at 11:22, Konstantin Knizhnik <knizh...@garret.ru
> > <mailto:knizh...@garret.ru>> wrote:
> >
> >     So it will be responsibility of client to remember text of prepared
> >     query to be able to resend it when statement doesn't exists at
> server?
> >     IMHO very strange decision. Why not to handle it in connection
> >     pooler (doesn't matter - external or embedded)?
> >
> >
> > I may be myopic but in the JDBC world and I assume others we have a
> > `PreparedStatement` object which has the text of the query.
> > The text is readily available to us.
> >
> > Also again from the JDBC point of view we have use un-named statements
> > normally and then name them after 5 uses so we already have embedded
> > logic on how to deal with PreparedStatements
> The entire problem only surfaces when using a connection pool of one
> sort or another. Without one the session is persistent to the client.
> At some point I created a "functional" proof of concept for a connection
> pool that did a mapping of the client side name to a pool managed server
> side name. It kept track of which query was known by a server. It kept a
> hashtable of poolname+username+query MD5 sums. On each prepare request
> it would look up if that query is known, add a query-client reference in
> another hashtable and so on. On a Bind/Exec message it would check that
> the server has the query prepared and issue a P message if not. What was
> missing was to keep track of no longer needed queries and deallocate them.
> As said, it was a POC. Since it was implemented in Tcl it performed
> miserable, but I got it to the point of being able to pause & resume and
> the whole thing did work with prepared statements on the transaction
> level. So it was a full functioning POC.
> What makes this design appealing to me is that it is completely
> transparent to every existing client that uses the extended query
> protocol for server side prepared statements.

Apparently this is coming in pgbouncer Support of prepared statements by
knizhnik · Pull Request #845 · pgbouncer/pgbouncer (github.com)


> Jan

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