On 2023-06-12 Mo 09:00, Tomas Vondra wrote:

What was the json/jsonb story, was it ever an extension before
being included in core?
I don't recall what the exact story was, but I guess the "json" type was
added to core very long ago (before we started to push back a bit), and
we added some SQL grammar stuff too, which can't be done from extension.
So when we added jsonb (much later than json), there wasn't much point
in not having it in core.

Not quite.

The json type as added in 9.2 (Sept 2012) and jsonb in 9.4 (Dec 2014). I wouldn't call those far apart or very long ago. Neither included any grammar changes AFAIR.

But if they had been added as extensions we'd probably be in a whole lot more trouble now implementing SQL/JSON, so whether that was foresight or laziness I think the we landed on our feet there.



Andrew Dunstan

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