Em sex., 30 de jun. de 2023 às 11:26, Karina Litskevich <
litskevichkar...@gmail.com> escreveu:

> Hi,
> Alexander wrote:
> > It also aligns the code with print_unaligned_vertical(), but I can't see
> why
> > need_recordsep = true;
> > is a no-op here (scan-build dislikes only need_recordsep = false;).
> > I suspect that removing that line will change the behaviour in cases when
> > need_recordsep = false after the loop "print cells" and the loop
> > "for (footers)" is executed.
> Hi Karina,

> As I understand cont->cells is supoused to have all cont->ncolumns *
> cont->nrows
> entries filled so the loop "print cells" always assigns need_recordsep =
> true,
> except when there are no cells at all or cancel_pressed == true.
> If cancel_pressed == true then footers are not printed. So to have
> need_recordsep == false before the loop "for (footers)" table should be
> empty,
> and need_recordsep should be false before the loop "print cells". It can
> only
> be false there when cont->opt->start_table == true and opt_tuples_only ==
> true
> so that headers are not printed. But when opt_tuples_only == true footers
> are
> not printed either.
> So technically removing "need_recordsep = true;" won't change the outcome.

Thanks for the confirmation.

> But
> it's not obvious, so I also have doubts about removing this line. If
> someday
> print options are changed, for example to support printing footers and not
> printing headers, or anything else changes in this function, the output
> might
> be unexpected with this line removed.

That part I didn't understand.
How are we going to make this function less readable by removing the
complicating part.

best regards,
Ranier Vilela

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