On Mon, Jun 5, 2023 at 9:48 AM Nikhil Benesch <nikhil.bene...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I took a look at 0002 because I attempted a similar but more surgical
> fix in [0].
> I spotted a few opportunities for further reducing state tracked by
> `ArrayCount`. You may not find all of these suggestions to be
> worthwhile.

I pull ArrayCount into a separate C function, regress test (manually)
based on patch regress test.

> 1) `in_quotes` appears to be wholly redundant with `parse_state ==

removing it works as expected.

> 3) `eoArray` could be replaced with a new `ArrayParseState` of
> `ARRAY_END`. Just a matter of taste, but "end of array" feels like a
> parser state to me.

works. (reduce one variable.)

> I also have a sense that `ndims_frozen` made the distinction between
> the two states could be merged into a single `ARRAY_DELIMITED` state,
> but I've not pulled on this thread hard enough to say so confidently.

merging these states into one work as expected.

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