> >   - Parameters are strings, so callback is not provided yet.
> > 2. Client gets PgConn from PQconnectStart return value and updates
> > conn->async_auth to its own callback.
> This is where some sort of official authn callback registration (see
> above reply to Daniele) would probably come in handy.

> > 3. Client polls PQconnectPoll and checks conn->sasl_state until the
> > value is SASL_ASYNC
> In my head, the client's custom callback would always be invoked
> during the call to PQconnectPoll, rather than making the client do
> work in between calls. That way, a client can use custom flows even
> with a synchronous PQconnectdb().
The way I see this API working is the asynchronous client needs at least 2
PQConnectPoll calls:
1. To be notified of what the authentication requirements are and get
2. When it acquires the token, the callback is used to inform libpq of the
token and return PGRES_POLLING_OK.

For the synchronous client, the callback implementation would need to be
aware of the fact that synchronous implementation invokes callback
frequently and be implemented accordingly.

Bottom lime, I don't see much problem with the current proposal. Just the
way of callback to know that OAUTH token is requested and get parameters
relies on PQconnectPoll being invoked after corresponding parameters of
conn object are populated.

> > > 5. Expectations on async_auth:
> > >     a. It returns PGRES_POLLING_READING while token acquisition is
going on
> > >     b. It returns PGRES_POLLING_OK and sets conn->sasl_state->token
> > > when token acquisition succeeds.
> >
> > Yes. Though the token should probably be returned through some
> > explicit part of the callback, now that you mention it...
> > 6. Is the client supposed to do anything with the altsock parameter?
> The callback needs to set the altsock up with a select()able
> descriptor, which wakes up the client when more work is ready to be
> done. Without that, you can't handle multiple connections on a single
> thread.

Ok, thanks for clarification.

> > On a separate note:
> > The backend code currently spawns an external command for token
> > As we discussed before, an extension hook would be a more efficient
> > extensibility option.
> > We see clients make 10k+ connections using OAuth tokens per minute to
> > our service, and stating external processes would be too much overhead
> > here.
> +1. I'm curious, though -- what language do you expect to use to write
> a production validator hook? Surely not low-level C...?

For the server side code, it would likely be identity providers publishing
extensions to validate their tokens.
Those can do that in C too. Or extensions now can be implemented in Rust
using pgrx. Which is developer friendly enough in my opinion.

> Yeah, I'm really interested in seeing which existing high-level flows
> can be mixed in through a driver. Trying not to get too far ahead of
> myself :D

I can think of the following as the most common:
1. Authorization code with PKCE. This is by far the most common for the
user login flows. Requires to spin up a browser and listen to redirect
URL/Port. Most high level platforms have libraries to do both.
2. Client Certificates. This requires an identity provider specific library
to construct and sign the token. The providers publish SDKs to do that for
most common app development platforms.

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