On Sun, Jul 9, 2023 at 1:28 AM Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:

> More generally, it's not clear to me why we should need to look inside
> lateral PHVs in the first place.  Wouldn't the lateral PHV itself
> serve fine as a cache key?

Do you mean we use the lateral PHV directly as a cache key?  Hmm, it
seems to me that we'd have problem if the PHV references rels that are
inside the PHV's syntactic scope.  For instance

select * from t t1 left join
    lateral (select t1.a+t2.a as t1a, t2.a as t2a from t t2) s on true
where s.t1a = s.t2a;

The PHV references t1.a so it's lateral.  But it also references t2.a,
so if we use the PHV itself as cache key, the plan would look like

               QUERY PLAN
 Nested Loop
   ->  Seq Scan on t t1
   ->  Memoize
         Cache Key: (t1.a + t2.a)
         Cache Mode: binary
         ->  Seq Scan on t t2
               Filter: ((t1.a + a) = a)
(7 rows)

which is an invalid plan as the cache key contains t2.a.


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