
Thank you for the help guys and I'm so sorry for my late response. Indeed,
the error relies on the ResultRelInfo. In GetResultRTEPermissionInfo()
function, it does a checking on the relinfo->ri_RootResultRelInfo variable.
I believe that it should go inside this scope:

        if (relinfo->ri_RootResultRelInfo)
                 * For inheritance child result relations (a partition routing 
                 * of an INSERT or a child UPDATE target), this returns the root
                 * parent's RTE to fetch the RTEPermissionInfo because that's 
the only
                 * one that has one assigned.
                rti = relinfo->ri_RootResultRelInfo->ri_RangeTableIndex;

The relinfo contains:

{type = T_ResultRelInfo, ri_RangeTableIndex = 5, ri_RelationDesc =
0x7f44e3308cc8, ri_NumIndices = 0, ri_IndexRelationDescs = 0x0,
ri_IndexRelationInfo = 0x0, ri_RowIdAttNo = 0,
  ri_extraUpdatedCols = 0x0, ri_projectNew = 0x0, ri_newTupleSlot =
0x0, ri_oldTupleSlot = 0x0, ri_projectNewInfoValid = false,
ri_TrigDesc = 0x0, ri_TrigFunctions = 0x0,
  ri_TrigWhenExprs = 0x0, ri_TrigInstrument = 0x0, ri_ReturningSlot =
0x0, ri_TrigOldSlot = 0x0, ri_TrigNewSlot = 0x0, ri_FdwRoutine = 0x0,
ri_FdwState = 0x0,
  ri_usesFdwDirectModify = false, ri_NumSlots = 0,
ri_NumSlotsInitialized = 0, ri_BatchSize = 0, ri_Slots = 0x0,
ri_PlanSlots = 0x0, ri_WithCheckOptions = 0x0,
  ri_WithCheckOptionExprs = 0x0, ri_ConstraintExprs = 0x0,
ri_GeneratedExprsI = 0x0, ri_GeneratedExprsU = 0x0,
ri_NumGeneratedNeededI = 0, ri_NumGeneratedNeededU = 0,
  ri_returningList = 0x0, ri_projectReturning = 0x0,
ri_onConflictArbiterIndexes = 0x0, ri_onConflict = 0x0,
ri_matchedMergeAction = 0x0, ri_notMatchedMergeAction = 0x0,
  ri_PartitionCheckExpr = 0x0, ri_ChildToRootMap = 0x0,
ri_ChildToRootMapValid = false, ri_RootToChildMap = 0x0,
ri_RootToChildMapValid = false, ri_RootResultRelInfo = 0x0,
  ri_PartitionTupleSlot = 0x0, ri_CopyMultiInsertBuffer = 0x0,
ri_ancestorResultRels = 0x0}

Since relinfo->ri_RootResultRelInfo = 0x0, the rti will have no value
and Postgres will interpret that the ResultRelInfo must've been
created only for filtering triggers and the relation is not being
inserted into.
The relinfo variable is created with the
create_entity_result_rel_info() function:

ResultRelInfo *create_entity_result_rel_info(EState *estate, char *graph_name,
                                             char *label_name)
    RangeVar *rv;
    Relation label_relation;
    ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo;

    ParseState *pstate = make_parsestate(NULL);

    resultRelInfo = palloc(sizeof(ResultRelInfo));

    if (strlen(label_name) == 0)
        rv = makeRangeVar(graph_name, AG_DEFAULT_LABEL_VERTEX, -1);
        rv = makeRangeVar(graph_name, label_name, -1);

    label_relation = parserOpenTable(pstate, rv, RowExclusiveLock);

    // initialize the resultRelInfo
    InitResultRelInfo(resultRelInfo, label_relation,
                      list_length(estate->es_range_table), NULL,

    // open the parse state
    ExecOpenIndices(resultRelInfo, false);


    return resultRelInfo;

In this case, how can we get the relinfo->ri_RootResultRelInfo to
store the appropriate data?

Thank you,

Matheus Farias

Em ter., 18 de jul. de 2023 às 06:58, Amit Langote <amitlangot...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> On Sat, Jul 15, 2023 at 4:43 AM Farias de Oliveira
> <matheusfarias...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I believe I have found something interesting that might be the root of
> the problem with RTEPermissionInfo. But I do not know how to fix it
> exactly. In AGE's code, the execution of it goes through a function called
> analyze_cypher_clause() which does the following:
> >
> > It ends up going inside other functions and changing it more a bit, but
> at the end of one of these functions it assigns values to some members of
> the query:
> >
> > query->targetList = lappend(query->targetList, tle);
> > query->rtable = pstate->p_rtable;
> > query->jointree = makeFromExpr(pstate->p_joinlist, NULL);
> >
> > I assume that here is missing the assignment of query->rteperminfos to
> be the same as pstate->p_rteperminfos, but the pstate has the following
> values:
> >
> > {pstate = {parentParseState = 0x0, p_sourcetext = 0x2b06ef0 "MATCH (n)
> SET n.i = 3", p_rtable = 0x2c6e590,
> >     p_rteperminfos = 0x0, p_joinexprs = 0x0, p_nullingrels = 0x0,
> p_joinlist = 0x2c6e678, p_namespace = 0x2c6e6c8,
> >     p_lateral_active = false, p_ctenamespace = 0x0, p_future_ctes = 0x0,
> p_parent_cte = 0x0, p_target_relation = 0x0,
> >     p_target_nsitem = 0x0, p_is_insert = false, p_windowdefs = 0x0,
> p_expr_kind = EXPR_KIND_NONE, p_next_resno = 3,
> >     p_multiassign_exprs = 0x0, p_locking_clause = 0x0,
> p_locked_from_parent = false, p_resolve_unknowns = true,
> >     p_queryEnv = 0x0, p_hasAggs = false, p_hasWindowFuncs = false,
> p_hasTargetSRFs = false, p_hasSubLinks = false,
> >     p_hasModifyingCTE = false, p_last_srf = 0x0, p_pre_columnref_hook =
> 0x0, p_post_columnref_hook = 0x0,
> >     p_paramref_hook = 0x0, p_coerce_param_hook = 0x0, p_ref_hook_state =
> 0x0}, graph_name = 0x2b06e50 "cypher_set",
> >   graph_oid = 16942, params = 0x0, default_alias_num = 0, entities =
> 0x2c6e228, property_constraint_quals = 0x0,
> >   exprHasAgg = false, p_opt_match = false}
> >
> > So changing that won't solve the issue.
> Does p_rtable in this last pstate contain any RTE_RELATION entries?
> If it does, p_rteperminfos being NIL looks like a bug in your code.
> Actually, given the back trace of the error that you shared, I am
> suspecting more of a problem in the code that generates a
> ResultRelInfo pointing at the wrong RTE via its ri_RangeTableIndex.
> That code should perhaps set the ri_RangeTableIndex to 0 if it doesn't
> know the actual existing RTE corresponding to that result relation.
> If you set it to some non-0 value, the RTE that it points to should
> satisfy invariants such as having the corresponding RTEPermissionInfo
> present in the rteperminfos list if necessary.
> --
> Thanks, Amit Langote
> EDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

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