
Hm, in some cases your patch is better, but in others both the old code
(8692f6644e7) and HEAD beat yours on my machine. TBH, not entirely sure why.

COPY (SELECT generate_series(1, 2000000) a, (random() * 100000 - 50000)::int b, 
3243423 c) TO '/tmp/lotsaints.copy';
DROP TABLE lotsaints; CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE lotsaints(a int, b int, c int);

psql -qX -c 'truncate lotsaints' && pgbench -n -P1 -f <( echo "COPY lotsaints 
FROM '/tmp/lotsaints.copy';") -t 15

I disabled turbo mode, pinned the server to a single core of my Xeon Gold 5215:

HEAD:                           812.690

your patch:                     821.354

strtoint from 8692f6644e7:      824.543

strtoint from 6b423ec677d^:     806.678

(when I say strtoint from, I did not replace the goto labels, so that part is
unchanged and unrelated)

IOW, for me the code from 15 is the fastest by a good bit... There's an imul,
sure, but the fact that it sets a flag makes it faster than having to add more
tests and branches.

Looking at a profile reminded me of how silly it is that we are wasting a good
chunk of the time in these isdigit() checks, even though we already rely on on
the ascii values via (via *ptr++ - '0'). I think that's done in the headers
for some platforms, but not others (glibc). And we've even done already for
octal and binary!

Open coding isdigit() gives us:

HEAD:                           797.434

your patch:                     803.570

strtoint from 8692f6644e7:      778.943

strtoint from 6b423ec677d^:     777.741

It's somewhat odd that HEAD and your patch switch position here...

> -     else if (ptr[0] == '0' && (ptr[1] == 'o' || ptr[1] == 'O'))
> +     /* process hex digits */
> +     else if (ptr[1] == 'x' || ptr[1] == 'X')
>       {
>               firstdigit = ptr += 2;

I find this unnecessarily hard to read. I realize it's been added in
6fcda9aba83, but I don't see a reason to use such a construct here.

I find it somewhat grating how much duplication there now is in this
code due to being repeated for all the bases...


Andres Freund

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