
On 26.07.2023 02:47, Peter Geoghegan wrote:
On Thu, Jun 29, 2023 at 2:32 AM Alena Rybakina <lena.riback...@yandex.ru> wrote:
Hi! I'm sorry I didn't answer you right away, I was too busy with work.
Same for me, this time. I was busy working on my patch, which I
finally posted yesterday.
I'm glad to hear it, I've seen your thread ("Optimizing nbtree ScalarArrayOp execution, allowing multi-column ordered scans, skip scan"), but, unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to read it. I'll review it soon!
To be honest, I didn't think about the fact that my optimization can help 
eliminate duplicates before reading the data before.
I'm not surprised that you didn't specifically think of that, because
it's very subtle.

I am still only in the process of familiarizing myself with the thread [1] (reference 
from your letter), but I have already seen that there are problems related, for example, 
to when "or" expressions refer to the parent element.
I didn't intend to imply that you might have the same problem here. I
just meant that OR optimizations can have problems with duplicate
elimination, in general. I suspect that your patch doesn't have that
problem, because you are performing a transformation of one kind of OR
into another kind of OR.

Yes, you are right, but I studied this topic and two other sources to accumulate my knowledge. It was an exciting experience for me)

I was especially inspired after studying the interview with Goetz Graf [2], his life experience is the most inspiring, and from this article I was able to get a broad understanding of the field of databases: current problems, future development, how it works... Thank you for the recommendation.

I discovered for myself that the idea described in the article [1] is similar to the idea of representing grouped data in OLAP cubes, and also, if I saw correctly, an algorithm like depth-first search is used there, but for indexes.

I think it really helps to speed up the search with similar deep filtering compared to cluster indexes, but do we have cases where we don't use this algorithm because it takes longer than an usual index? I thought about the situation with wide indexes (with a lot of multiple columns) and having a lot of filtering predicates for them. But I'm not sure about this, so it seems to me that this is a problem of improper use of indexes rather.
I think, I would face the similar problems if I complicate the current code, 
for example, so that not only or expressions standing on the same level are 
written in any, but also on different ones without violating the logic of the 
priority of executing operators.
I can't say that I am particularly experienced in this general area --
I have never tried to formally reason about how two different
statements are equivalent. It just hasn't been something that I've
needed to have a totally rigorous understanding of up until now. But
my recent patch changes that. Now I need to study this area to make
sure that I have a truly rigorous understanding.

Jeff Davis suggested that I read "Logic and Databases", by C.J. Date.
So now I have some homework to do.
I'll read this book too. Maybe I can finish work with the knowledge I got from there. Thank you for sharing!
Unfortunately, when I tried to make a transformation at the stage of index 
formation, I encountered too incorrect an assessment of the selectivity of 
relation, which affected the incorrect calculation of the cost and cardinality.
It's not surprising that a weird shift in the plan chosen by the
optimizer is seen with some random test case, as a result of this
added transformation. Even changes that are 100% strictly better (e.g.
changes in a selectivity estimation function that is somehow
guaranteed to be more accurate in all cases) might do that. Here is a
recent example of that with another patch, involving a bitmap OR:

At first, this surprised me very much. It took time to find a suitable place to implement the transformation.

I have looked through this thread many times, I will study it in more detail .
This example was *not* a regression, if you go by conventional
measures. It was merely a less robust plan than the bitmap OR plan,
because it didn't pass down both columns as index quals.

BTW, there are various restrictions on the sort order of SAOPs that
you might want to try to familiarize yourself with. I describe them
(perhaps not very clearly) here:

Thank you! Yes, I'll study it too)
Currently, the optimizer doesn't recognize multi-column indexes with
SAOPs on every column as having a valid sort order, except on the
first column. It seems possible that that has consequences for your
patch. (I'm really only guessing, though; don't trust anything that I
say about the optimizer too much.)

Honestly, I couldn't understand your concerns very well, could you describe it in more detail?

1. https://vldb.org/conf/1995/P710.PDF

2. https://sigmodrecord.org/publications/sigmodRecord/2009/pdfs/05_Profiles_Graefe.pdf

Alena Rybakina
Postgres Professional

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