
> can confirm the patch's jsonb_object_field_numeric is faster than
> pg_catalog."numeric"(jsonb).

Thanks for the confirmation.

> This function is not easy to find out...
> select jsonb_numeric(jsonb'{"a":11}'->'a'); --fail

jsonb_numeric is a prosrc rather than a proname,  that's why you
can't call them directly.

select * from pg_proc where prosrc = 'jsonb_numeric';
select * from pg_proc where proname = 'jsonb_numeric';

It is bound to "numeric"(jsonb) cast, so we can call it with

    select numeric('{"a":11}'->'a'); --fail.

> select "numeric"('{"a":11}'::jsonb->'a'); --ok

The double quotes look weird to me.  but it looks like  a common situation.

select numeric('1'::int); -- failed.
select "numeric"('1'::int); -- ok.

Best Regards
Andy Fan

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