
In the test case of  xmlmap.sql, we have the query below
under schema_to_xml.

explain (costs off, verbose)
SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class
WHERE  relnamespace = 28601
AND relkind IN ('r','m','v')
AND pg_catalog.has_table_privilege (oid, 'SELECT')
ORDER BY relname;

If the query is using SeqScan, the execution order of the quals is:

has_table_privilege(pg_class.oid, 'SELECT'::text) AND
(pg_class.relnamespace = '28601'::oid) AND (pg_class.relkind = ANY

based on current cost setting and algorithm.  With this plan,
has_table_privilege(pg_class.oid, 'SELECT'::text)  may be executed
against all the relations (not just the given namespace), so if a
tuple in pg_class is scanned and before has_table_privilege is called,
the relation is dropped, then we will get error:

ERROR:  relation with OID xxx does not exist

To overcome this,  if disabling the seqscan, then only index scan on
relnamespace is possible,  so relnamespace = '28601'::oid will be filtered
first before calling has_table_privilege.  and in this test case, we are
the relation belonging to the current namespace will never be dropped, so
no error is possible.  Here is the plan for reference:

Seq Scan:

   Output: oid, relname
   Sort Key: pg_class.relname
   ->  Seq Scan on pg_catalog.pg_class
         Output: oid, relname
         Filter: (has_table_privilege(pg_class.oid, 'SELECT'::text) AND
(pg_class.relnamespace = '28601'::oid) AND (pg_class.relkind = ANY

enable_seqscan to off

                                                    QUERY PLAN

 Index Scan using pg_class_relname_nsp_index on pg_catalog.pg_class
   Output: oid, relname
   Index Cond: (pg_class.relnamespace = '28601'::oid)
   Filter: (has_table_privilege(pg_class.oid, 'SELECT'::text) AND
(pg_class.relkind = ANY ('{r,m,v}'::"char"[])))

Patch is attached.

Best Regards
Andy Fan

Attachment: v1-0001-Avoid-a-potential-unstable-testcase.patch
Description: Binary data

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