On 2023-Aug-22, Vik Fearing wrote:

> On 8/22/23 11:33, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> > As usual, please check for problems such as wrong sorting, duplicate
> > names in different variants, or names in the wrong order etc.  (Our
> > convention is given name followed by surname.)
> Not necessarily for this time around, but I would like to see this
> convention be a bit more inclusive of other cultures.  My proposed solution
> is to list them the same way we do now, but also have in parentheses or
> something their name in their native order and script.

Yeah, I've been proposing this kind of thing for many years; the
problem, until not long ago, was that the tooling was unable to process
non-Latin1 characters in all the output formats that we use.  But
tooling has changed and the oldest platforms have disappeared, so maybe
it works now; do you want to inject some Chinese, Cyrillic, Japanese
names and give it a spin?  At least HTML and PDF need to work correctly.

Álvaro Herrera               48°01'N 7°57'E  —  https://www.EnterpriseDB.com/
"Pido que me den el Nobel por razones humanitarias" (Nicanor Parra)

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