
On 2023-08-22 22:57, torikoshia wrote:
On 2023-08-21 13:08, Masahiro Ikeda wrote:

Is there any reason that only src/bin commands are targeted? I found that we also need to fix vacuumlo with the above test. I think it's better to
fix it because it's a contrib module.

$ vacuumlo --help | while IFS='' read line; do echo $((`echo $line |
wc -m` - 1)) $line; done | sort -n -r  | head -n 2
84   -n, --dry-run             don't remove large objects, just show
what would be done
74 -l, --limit=LIMIT commit after removing each LIMIT large objects

This is because I wasn't sure making all --help outputs fit into 80
columns per line is right thing to do as described below:

| If this is the way to go, I'll do same things for contrib commands.

If there are no objection, I'm going to make other commands fit within
80 columns per line including (4).

OK. Sorry, I missed the sentence above.
I'd like to hear what others comment too.


Is to delete '/mnt/server' intended? I though it better to leave it as
is since archive_cleanup_command example uses the absolute path.

-                        "  pg_archivecleanup /mnt/server/archiverdir
+                        "  pg_archivecleanup archiverdir

I will confirmed that the --help text are not changed and only
the line breaks are changed.  But, currently the above change
break it.

Yes, it is intended as described in the thread.


| We could shorten it by removing the "/mnt/server" portion, but
I'm not sure if it's worth doing.

However, I feel it is acceptable to make an exception and exceed 80
characters for this line.

Thanks for sharing the thread. I understood.

It seems that the directory name should be consistent with the example
of archive_cleanup_command. However, it does not seem appropriate to
make archive_cleanup_command to use a relative path.

pg_archivecleanup --help
archive_cleanup_command = 'pg_archivecleanup /mnt/server/archiverdir %r'

Or for use as a standalone archive cleaner:
pg_archivecleanup /mnt/server/archiverdir 000000010000000000000010.00000020.backup

IMHO, is simply breaking the line acceptable?

Or for use as a standalone archive cleaner:
  pg_archivecleanup /mnt/server/archiverdir

Masahiro Ikeda

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