The following review has been posted through the commitfest application:
make installcheck-world:  tested, passed
Implements feature:       tested, passed
Spec compliant:           not tested
Documentation:            not tested


I've reviewed your patch and it applies and builds without error. When testing 
this patch I was slightly confused as to what its purpose was, after testing it 
I now understand. Initially, I thought this was a change to add database-level 
replication. I would suggest some clarifications to the documentation such as 

"supplying a specific database name in the connection string won't cause 
PostgreSQL to behave any differently."


"supplying a specific database name in the connection string won't cause 
pg_basebackup to behave any differently."

I believe this better illustrates that we are referring to the actual 
pg_basebackup utility and how this parameter is only used for proxies and bears 
no impact on what pg_basebackup is actually doing. It also would remove any 
confusion about database replication I had prior.

There is also a small typo in the same documentation:

"However, if you are connecting to PostgreSQL through a proxy, then it's 
possible that this proxy does use the supplied databasename to make certain 
decisions, such as to which cluster to route the connection."

"databasename" is just missing a space.

Other than that, everything looks good.



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