On Mon, 14 Aug 2023 23:37:25 +0900
Yugo NAGATA <nag...@sraoss.co.jp> wrote:

> On Mon, 14 Aug 2023 08:29:25 +0900
> Michael Paquier <mich...@paquier.xyz> wrote:
> > On Sun, Aug 13, 2023 at 11:22:33AM +0200, Fabien COELHO wrote:
> > > Test run is ok on my Ubuntu laptop.
> > 
> > I have a few comments about this patch.
> > 
> > On HEAD and even after this patch, we still have the following:
> > SKIP:                                                                       
> >                                                                             
> >                    {                                                        
> >                                                                             
> >                                           skip "cancel test requires a Unix 
> > shell", 2 if $windows_os;
> > 
> > Could the SKIP be removed for $windows_os?  If not, this had better be
> > documented because the reason for the skip becomes incorrect.
> > 
> > The comment at the top of the SKIP block still states the following:
> > # There is, as of this writing, no documented way to get the PID of
> > # the process from IPC::Run.  As a workaround, we have psql print its
> > # own PID (which is the parent of the shell launched by psql) to a
> > # file.
> > 
> > This is also incorrect.
> Thank you for your comments
> I will check whether the test works in Windows and remove SKIP if possible.
> Also, I'll fix the comment in either case.

I checked if the test using IPC::Run::signal can work on Windows, and
confirmed that this didn't work because sending SIGINT caused to
terminate the test itself. Here is the results;

t/001_basic.pl ........... ok    
t/010_tab_completion.pl .. skipped: readline is not supported by this build    
t/020_cancel.pl .......... Terminating on signal SIGINT(2)

Therefore, this test should be skipped on Windows.

I attached the update patch. I removed the incorrect comments and
unnecessary lines. Also,  I rewrote the test to use "skip_all" instead
of SKIP because we skip the whole test rather than a part of it.

Yugo Nagata

> Regards,
> Yugo Nagata
> -- 
> Yugo NAGATA <nag...@sraoss.co.jp>

Yugo NAGATA <nag...@sraoss.co.jp>
diff --git a/src/bin/psql/t/020_cancel.pl b/src/bin/psql/t/020_cancel.pl
index 0765d82b92..cabbf0210a 100644
--- a/src/bin/psql/t/020_cancel.pl
+++ b/src/bin/psql/t/020_cancel.pl
@@ -9,72 +9,39 @@ use PostgreSQL::Test::Utils;
 use Test::More;
 use Time::HiRes qw(usleep);
-my $tempdir = PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::tempdir;
+# Test query canceling by sending SIGINT to a running psql
+if ($windows_os)
+	plan skip_all => 'sending SIGINT on Windows terminates the test itself';
 my $node = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new('main');
-# Test query canceling by sending SIGINT to a running psql
-# There is, as of this writing, no documented way to get the PID of
-# the process from IPC::Run.  As a workaround, we have psql print its
-# own PID (which is the parent of the shell launched by psql) to a
-# file.
-	skip "cancel test requires a Unix shell", 2 if $windows_os;
+local %ENV = $node->_get_env();
-	local %ENV = $node->_get_env();
+my ($stdin, $stdout, $stderr);
+my $h = IPC::Run::start([ 'psql', '-X', '-v', 'ON_ERROR_STOP=1' ],
+	\$stdin, \$stdout, \$stderr);
-	my ($stdin, $stdout, $stderr);
+# Send sleep command and wait until the server has registered it
+$stdin = "select pg_sleep($PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::timeout_default);\n";
+pump $h while length $stdin;
+	q{SELECT (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE query ~ '^select pg_sleep') > 0;}
+) or die "timed out";
-	# Test whether shell supports $PPID.  It's part of POSIX, but some
-	# pre-/non-POSIX shells don't support it (e.g., NetBSD).
-	$stdin = "\\! echo \$PPID";
-	IPC::Run::run([ 'psql', '-X', '-v', 'ON_ERROR_STOP=1' ],
-		'<', \$stdin, '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr);
-	$stdout =~ /^\d+$/ or skip "shell apparently does not support \$PPID", 2;
+# Send cancel request
-	# Now start the real test
-	my $h = IPC::Run::start([ 'psql', '-X', '-v', 'ON_ERROR_STOP=1' ],
-		\$stdin, \$stdout, \$stderr);
+my $result = finish $h;
-	# Get the PID
-	$stdout = '';
-	$stderr = '';
-	$stdin = "\\! echo \$PPID >$tempdir/psql.pid\n";
-	pump $h while length $stdin;
-	my $count;
-	my $psql_pid;
-	until (
-		-s "$tempdir/psql.pid"
-		  and ($psql_pid =
-			PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::slurp_file("$tempdir/psql.pid")) =~
-		  /^\d+\n/s)
-	{
-		($count++ < 100 * $PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::timeout_default)
-		  or die "pid file did not appear";
-		usleep(10_000);
-	}
-	# Send sleep command and wait until the server has registered it
-	$stdin = "select pg_sleep($PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::timeout_default);\n";
-	pump $h while length $stdin;
-	$node->poll_query_until('postgres',
-		q{SELECT (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE query ~ '^select pg_sleep') > 0;}
-	) or die "timed out";
-	# Send cancel request
-	kill 'INT', $psql_pid;
-	my $result = finish $h;
-	ok(!$result, 'query failed as expected');
-	like(
-		$stderr,
-		qr/canceling statement due to user request/,
-		'query was canceled');
+ok(!$result, 'query failed as expected');
+	$stderr,
+	qr/canceling statement due to user request/,
+	'query was canceled');

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