Alekseev, Aleksander ( wrote:

> It looks like the patch in *this* thread was never registered on the
> commitfest and/or tested by CF bot, unless I'm missing something.
> Unfortunately it's a bit late to register it for the September CF
> especially considering the fact that it doesn't apply at the moment.

> This being said, please consider submitting the patch for the upcoming
> CF. Also, please consider joining the efforts and having one thread
> with a single patchset rather than different threads with different
> competing patches. This will simplify the work of the reviewers a lot.

Hi Aleksander,

Thank you for letting me know about this. I’ll follow up on the original 
thread within the next couple weeks with a new and updated patch for the 
next commitfest.


Rishu Bagga, Amazon Web Services (AWS)

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