
I've mentioned this to a few people before, but forgot to start an actual
thread. So here we go:

I think we should lower the default wal_blocksize / XLOG_BLCKSZ to 4096, from
the current 8192.  The reason is that

a) We don't gain much from a blocksize above 4096, as we already do one write
   all the pending WAL data in one go (except when at the tail of
   wal_buffers). We *do* incur more overhead for page headers, but compared to
   the actual WAL data it is not a lot (~0.29% of space is page headers 8192
   vs 0.59% with 4096).

b) Writing 8KB when we we have to flush a partially filled buffer can
   substantially increase write amplification. In a transactional workload,
   this will often double the write volume.

Currently disks mostly have 4096 bytes as their "sector size". Sometimes
that's exposed directly, sometimes they can also write in 512 bytes, but that
internally requires a read-modify-write operation.

For some example numbers, I ran a very simple insert workload with a varying
number of clients with both a wal_blocksize=4096 and wal_blocksize=8192
cluster, and measured the amount of bytes written before/after.  The table was
recreated before each run, followed by a checkpoint and the benchmark. Here I
ran the inserts only for 15s each, because the results don't change
meaningfully with longer runs.


clients      tps    disk bytes written
1            667                 81296
2            739                 89796
4           1446                 89208
8           2858                 90858
16          5775                 96928
32         11920                115351
64         23686                135244
128        46001                173390
256        88833                239720
512       146208                335669


clients      tps    disk bytes written
1            751                 46838
2            773                 47936
4           1512                 48317
8           3143                 52584
16          6221                 59097
32         12863                 73776
64         25652                 98792
128        48274                133330
256        88969                200720
512       146298                298523

This is on a not-that-fast NVMe SSD (Samsung SSD 970 PRO 1TB).

It's IMO quite interesting that even at the higher client counts, the number
of bytes written don't reach parity.

On a stripe of two very fast SSDs:


clients      tps    disk bytes written
1          23786                2893392
2          38515                4683336
4          63436                4688052
8         106618                4618760
16        177905                4384360
32        254890                3890664
64        297113                3031568
128       299878                2297808
256       308774                1935064
512       292515                1630408


clients      tps    disk bytes written
1          25742                1586748
2          43578                2686708
4          62734                2613856
8         116217                2809560
16        200802                2947580
32        269268                2461364
64        323195                2042196
128       317160                1550364
256       309601                1285744
512       292063                1103816

It's fun to see how the total number of writes *decreases* at higher
concurrency, because it becomes more likely that pages are filled completely.

One thing I noticed is that our auto-configuration of wal_buffers leads to
different wal_buffers settings for different XLOG_BLCKSZ, which doesn't seem

Performing the same COPY workload (1024 files, split across N clients) for
both settings shows no performance difference, but a very slight increase in
total bytes written (about 0.25%, which is roughly what I'd expect).

Personally I'd say the slight increase in WAL volume is more than outweighed
by the increase in throughput and decrease in bytes written.

There's an alternative approach we could take, which is to write in 4KB
increments, while keeping 8KB pages. With the current format that's not
obviously a bad idea. But given there aren't really advantages in 8KB WAL
pages, it seems we should just go for 4KB?


Andres Freund

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