Hi David,

On 10/9/23 03:26, David Rowley wrote:
On Sat, 7 Oct 2023 at 03:11, Sergei Glukhov <s.gluk...@postgrespro.ru> wrote:
I noticed that combination of prepared statement with generic plan and
'IS NULL' clause could lead partition pruning to crash.
Test case:
set plan_cache_mode to force_generic_plan;
prepare stmt AS select * from hp where a is null and b = $1;
explain execute stmt('xxx');
Thanks for the detailed report and proposed patch.

I think your proposed fix isn't quite correct.  I think the problem
lies in InitPartitionPruneContext() where we assume that the list
positions of step->exprs are in sync with the keyno.  If you look at
perform_pruning_base_step() the code there makes a special effort to
skip over any keyno when a bit is set in opstep->nullkeys.

It seems that your patch is adjusting the keyno that's given to the
PruneCxtStateIdx() and it looks like (for your test case) it'll end up
passing keyno==0 when it should be passing keyno==1.  keyno is the
index of the partition key, so you can't pass 0 when it's for key
index 1.

I wonder if it's worth expanding the tests further to cover more of
the pruning cases to cover run-time pruning too.

Thanks for the explanation. I thought by some reason that 'exprstates ' array doesn't contain elements related to 'IS NULL' clause. Now I see that they are there and
just empty and untouched.

I verified the patch and it fixes the problem.

Regarding test case,
besides the current test case and the test for dynamic partition pruning, say,

select a, (select b from hp where a is null and b = a.b) AS b from hp a where a = 1 and b = 'xxx';

I would like to suggest to slightly refactor 'Test Partition pruning for HASH partitioning' test from 'partition_prune.sql' and add one more key field. The reason is that two-element key is not enough for thorough testing since it tests mostly corner cases. Let me know
if it's worth doing.

create table hp (a int, b text, c int, d int)
  partition by hash (a part_test_int4_ops, b part_test_text_ops, c part_test_int4_ops);
create table hp0 partition of hp for values with (modulus 4, remainder 0);
create table hp3 partition of hp for values with (modulus 4, remainder 3);
create table hp1 partition of hp for values with (modulus 4, remainder 1);
create table hp2 partition of hp for values with (modulus 4, remainder 2);

insert into hp values (null, null, null, 0);
insert into hp values (1, null, 1, 1);
insert into hp values (1, 'xxx', 1, 2);
insert into hp values (null, 'xxx', null, 3);
insert into hp values (2, 'xxx', 2, 4);
insert into hp values (1, 'abcde', 1, 5);

Another crash in the different place even with the fix:
explain select * from hp where a = 1 and b is null and c = 1;


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