Hi Thomas,

On 10/11/23 18:10, Thomas Munro wrote:

Even though I spent a whole bunch of time trying to figure out how to
make concurrent reads of the control file sufficiently atomic for
backups (pg_basebackup and low level filesystem tools), and we
explored multiple avenues with varying results, and finally came up
with something that basically works pretty well... actually I just
hate all of that stuff, and I'm hoping to be able to just withdraw
https://commitfest.postgresql.org/45/4025/ and chalk it all up to
discovery/education and call *this* thread the real outcome of that
preliminary work.

So I'm +1 on the idea of putting a control file image into the backup
label and I'm happy that you're looking into it.

Well, hopefully this thread will *at least* be the solution going forward. Not sure about a back patch yet, see below...

We could just leave the control file out of the base backup
completely, as you said, removing a whole foot-gun.

That's the plan.

People following
the 'low level' instructions will still get a copy of the control file
from the filesystem, and I don't see any reliable way to poison that
file without also making it so that a crash wouldn't also be prevented
from recovering.  I have wondered about putting extra "fingerprint"
information into the control file such as the file's path and inode
number etc, so that you can try to distinguish between a control file
written by PostgreSQL, and a control file copied somewhere else, but
that all feels too fragile, and at the end of the day, people
following the low level backup instructions had better follow the low
level backup instructions (hopefully via the intermediary of an
excellent external backup tool).

Not sure about the inode idea, because it seems OK for people to move a cluster elsewhere under a variety of circumstances. I do have an idea about how to mark a cluster in "recovery to consistency" mode, but not quite sure how to atomically turn that off at the end of recovery to consistency. I have some ideas I'll work on though.

As Stephen mentioned[1], we could perhaps also complain if both backup
label and control file exist, and then hint that the user should
remove the *control file* (not the backup label!).  I had originally
suggested we would just overwrite the control file, but by explicitly
complaining about it we would also bring the matter to tool/script
authors' attention, ie that they shouldn't be backing that file up, or
should be removing it in a later step if they copy everything.  He
also mentions that there doesn't seem to be anything stopping us from
back-patching changes to the backup label contents if we go this way.
I don't have a strong opinion on that and we could leave the question
for later.

I'm worried about the possibility of back patching this unless the solution comes out to be simpler than I think and that rarely comes to pass. Surely throwing errors on something that is currently valid (i.e. backup_label and pg_control both present).

But perhaps there is a simpler, acceptable solution we could back patch (transparent to all parties except Postgres) and then a more advanced solution we could go forward with.

I guess I had better get busy on this.


[1] https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/ZL69NXjCNG%2BWHCqG%40tamriel.snowman.net

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