
Similarly, PostgreSQL does not enforce CHECK constraints of domains that try to 
enforce NOT NULL in the same situations where it does not enforce NOT NULL 
constraints - see example in the end.

Thus, in my base tables can be rows that violate domain NOT NULL and CHECK 
constraints. For me, it is not a "feature", it is a bug.

By the way, my small applications use domain NOT NULL constraints. This was the 
reason why I asked are there any other examples in addition to those that I 
provided that allow NULL's to NOT NULL columns.

Best regards
Erki Eessaar

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Product_state_type;


CREATE TABLE Product_state_type (product_state_type_code SMALLINT NOT NULL,
name d_name,
CONSTRAINT pk_product_state_type PRIMARY KEY (product_state_type_code),
CONSTRAINT ak_product_state_type_name UNIQUE (name));

CREATE TABLE Product (product_code INTEGER NOT NULL,
name d_name,
product_state_type_code SMALLINT NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT pk_product PRIMARY KEY (product_code),
CONSTRAINT fk_product_product_state_type FOREIGN KEY (product_state_type_code)
REFERENCES Product_state_type(product_state_type_code) ON UPDATE CASCADE);

INSERT INTO Product_state_type (product_state_type_code, name)
VALUES (1, (SELECT name FROM Product_state_type WHERE FALSE));
/*Insertion succeeds, name is NULL!*/

INSERT INTO Product (product_code, name, product_state_type_code)
SELECT 1 AS product_code, Product.name, 1 AS product_state_type_code
FROM Product_state_type LEFT JOIN Product USING (product_state_type_code);
/*Insertion succeeds, name is NULL!*/

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Product_state_type;

CONSTRAINT chk_d_name CHECK (coalesce(VALUE,'')<>'');

CREATE TABLE Product_state_type (product_state_type_code SMALLINT NOT NULL,
name d_name,
CONSTRAINT pk_product_state_type PRIMARY KEY (product_state_type_code),
CONSTRAINT ak_product_state_type_name UNIQUE (name));

CREATE TABLE Product (product_code INTEGER NOT NULL,
name d_name,
product_state_type_code SMALLINT NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT pk_product PRIMARY KEY (product_code),
CONSTRAINT fk_product_product_state_type FOREIGN KEY (product_state_type_code)
REFERENCES Product_state_type(product_state_type_code) ON UPDATE CASCADE);

INSERT INTO Product_state_type (product_state_type_code, name)
VALUES (1, (SELECT name FROM Product_state_type WHERE FALSE));
/*Insertion succeeds, name is NULL!*/

INSERT INTO Product (product_code, name, product_state_type_code)
SELECT 1 AS product_code, Product.name, 1 AS product_state_type_code
FROM Product_state_type LEFT JOIN Product USING (product_state_type_code);
/*Insertion succeeds, name is NULL!*/

From: Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us>
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2023 19:09
To: Vik Fearing <v...@postgresfriends.org>
Cc: Erki Eessaar <erki.eess...@taltech.ee>; pgsql-hackers@lists.postgresql.org 
Subject: Re: PostgreSQL domains and NOT NULL constraint

Vik Fearing <v...@postgresfriends.org> writes:
> On 10/13/23 06:37, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Hmph.  The really basic problem here, I think, is that the spec
>> wants to claim that a domain is a data type, but then it backs
>> off and limits where the domain's constraints need to hold.

> I don't think that is an accurate depiction of domains.
> First of all, I am not seeing where it says that a domain is a data
> type.  It allows domains to be used in some places where a data type is
> used, but that is not equivalent to a domain /being/ a data type.

Hmm, you are right.  This is something I'd never paid attention to
before, but they do seem to exclude domains from being the declared
type of any expression.  Most notably, not even a CAST to a domain
type produces the domain type.  Per SQL:2021 6.13 <cast specification>
syntax rules:

    1) Case:
        a) If a <domain name> is specified, then let TD be the data
        type of the specified domain.

        b) If a <data type> is specified, then let TD be the data type
        identified by <data type>. <data type> shall not contain a
        <collate clause>.

    2) The declared type of the result of the <cast specification> is TD.

Even more amusingly for our current purposes, CAST does not enforce
NOT NULL.  <cast specification> general rule 2:

    2) Case:
        a) If the <cast operand> specifies NULL, then the result of CS
        is the null value and no further General Rules of this
        Subclause are applied.

        b) If the <cast operand> specifies an <empty specification>,
        then the result of CS is an empty collection of declared type
        TD and no further General Rules of this Subclause are applied.

        c) If SV is the null value, then the result of CS is the null
        value and no further General Rules of this Subclause are

So for a null value the spec never reaches GR 23 that says to apply
the domain's constraints.

This is already a sufficient intellectual muddle that I'm not sure
we want to follow it slavishly.  If not-null can be ignored here,
why not elsewhere?

But anyway, yeah, the spec's notion of a domain bears only passing
resemblance to what we've actually implemented.  I'm not really sure
that we want to switch, because AFAICS the spec's model doesn't
include any of these things:

* Domains over other domains

* Domains over arrays, composite types, etc

* Functions accepting or returning domain types

If we were to try to do something closer to what the spec has in mind,
how would we do it without ripping out a ton of functionality that
people have requested and come to depend on?

> Section 4.25.4, "Domain constraints" has this to say (emphasis mine):
> - A domain constraint is satisfied by SQL-data *if and only if*, for
> every *table* T that has a column named C based on that domain, the
> applicable <search condition> recorded in the appropriate domain
> constraint usage evaluates to True or Unknown.

I think that isn't particularly relevant, because I believe that by
SQL-data they mean the static contents of a database, so of course
only table contents matter.  What we are concerned about is dynamic
behavior within queries and functions.

> Secondly, why are you so concerned about outer join nulls here and not
> for any other column marked NOT NULL?

Primarily because that's an easy way for a column that was marked
NOT NULL to read out as NULL.

>> That's fundamentally inconsistent.  It's like claiming that
>> 'foobarbaz' is a valid value of type numeric as long as it's
>> only in flight within a query and you haven't tried to store it
>> into a table.

> It's like claiming that null is a valid value of type numeric as long as
> it's only in flight within a query and you haven't tried to store it
> into a table with that column marked NOT NULL.

And?  NULL *is* a valid value of type numeric, as well as all other
base types.

> Allowing a null to be stored in a column where the user has specified
> NOT NULL, no matter how the user did that, is unacceptable and I am
> frankly surprised that you are defending it.

What I'm trying to hold onto is the notion that a domain can
meaningfully be considered to be a data type (that is, that a value in
flight can be considered to be of a domain type).  We've been building
the system on that assumption for over twenty years now, and I think
it's pretty deeply ingrained.  I don't understand the consequences
of abandoning it, and I'm not convinced that the spec's model is
sufficiently intellectually rigorous that we can just say "oh, we'll
follow the spec instead of what we've been doing, and it'll be fine".

As a trivial example: our implementation assumes that enforcing a
domain's constraints is to be done by casting the base type value
to the domain type.  Per the above reading of <6.13>, this should
fail to reject nulls, so we'd have to understand and implement
checking of domain constraints in some other way.

Given the exception the spec makes for CAST, I wonder if we shouldn't
just say "NULL is a valid value of every domain type, as well as every
base type.  If you don't like it, too bad; write a separate NOT NULL
constraint for your table column."

                        regards, tom lane

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