Dear Vignesh,

Thank you for reviewing! New patch can be available in [1].

> We can update the commit message with the details of the same, it will
> help to understand that it is intentionally done.

Both comments and a commit message were updated related.

> There are couple of typos with the new patch:
> 1) "uprade logical replication slot" should be "upgrade logical
> replication slot":
> Previously, the OID counter is restored by invoking pg_resetwal with the -o
> option, at the end of upgrade. This is not problematic for now, but WAL 
> removals
> are not happy if we want to uprade logical replication slot. Therefore, a new
> upgrade function is introduced to reset next OID.


> 2) "becasue the value" should be "because the value":
> Note that we only update the on-memory data to avoid concurrent update of
> control with the chekpointer. It is harmless becasue the value would be set at
> shutdown checkpoint.



Best Regards,
Hayato Kuroda

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