So it sounds like we're in agreement that it is time to require LLVM
10+ in master.  Could the owners (CC'd) of the following animals
please turn off --with-llvm on master (and future 17+ branches), or
consider upgrading to a modern OS release?  Otherwise they'll turn

   animal    |        arch        | llvm_version |   os   | os_release
| end_of_support
 mantid      | x86_64             | 5.0.1        | CentOS | 7
| 2019-08-06
 cotinga     | s390x              | 6.0.0        | Ubuntu | 18.04
| 2023-06-01
 vimba       | aarch64            | 6.0.0        | Ubuntu | 18.04
| 2023-06-01
 topminnow   | mips64el; -mabi=32 | 6.0.1        | Debian | 8
| 2018-06-17
 alimoche    | aarch64            | 7.0.1        | Debian | 10
| 2022-09-10
 blackneck   | aarch64            | 7.0.1        | Debian | 10
| 2022-09-10

And of course Andres would need to do the same for his coverage
animals in that range:

   animal    |        arch        | llvm_version |   os   | os_release
| end_of_support
 dragonet    | x86_64             | 3.9.1        | Debian | sid        |
 phycodurus  | x86_64             | 3.9.1        | Debian | sid        |
 desmoxytes  | x86_64             | 4.0.1        | Debian | sid        |
 petalura    | x86_64             | 4.0.1        | Debian | sid        |
 idiacanthus | x86_64             | 5.0.2        | Debian | sid        |
 pogona      | x86_64             | 5.0.2        | Debian | sid        |
 komodoensis | x86_64             | 6.0.1        | Debian | sid        |
 xenodermus  | x86_64             | 6.0.1        | Debian | sid        |

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