(2018/06/11 20:34), Andrew Dunstan wrote:
On 06/11/2018 07:08 AM, Etsuro Fujita wrote:
In one of those cases, "ConvertRowtypeExpr reference errors from
partition-wise join", the patch has been marked Ready for Committer and
then Etsuro seems to have changeed his mind. If it's not ready it should
be set back to "needs review" or "waiting for author".

Yeah, I don't think the proposed patch is the right way to go, so I'm
proposing another solution for that, which I think makes code much
simple, but I'd like to hear the opinion from Robert, who is the owner
of PWJ.  (I marked this as Ready for Committer partly because I wanted
to hear the opinion.)

I don't think that's the way we should use "Ready for Committer". I
suggest you ,move it back to "Needs Review".


Best regards,
Etsuro Fujita

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