
> Furthermore, there is some possible inconsistency in the code show below 
> (REL_16_STABLE) in bufmgr.c file:
> FlushRelationBuffers, PrefetchBuffer uses RelationUsesLocalBuffers(rel).
> ExtendBufferedRel_common finally use BufferManagerRelation.relpersistence 
> which is actually rd_rel->relpersistence, works like RelationUsesLocalBuffers.
> ReadBuffer_common uses isLocalBuf = SmgrIsTemp(smgr), that checks 
> rlocator.backend for InvalidBackendId.

I didn't do a deep investigation of the code in this particular aspect
but that could be a fair point. Would you like to propose a
refactoring that unifies the way we check if the relation is

> I would like to clarify, do we completely refuse the use of temporary tables 
> in other contexts than in backends or there is some work-in-progress to allow 
> some other usage contexts? If so, the check of rd_rel->relpersistence is 
> enough. Not sure why we use SmgrIsTemp instead of RelationUsesLocalBuffers in 
> ReadBuffer_common.

According to the comments in relfilelocator.h:

 * Augmenting a relfilelocator with the backend ID provides all the information
 * we need to locate the physical storage.  The backend ID is InvalidBackendId
 * for regular relations (those accessible to more than one backend), or the
 * owning backend's ID for backend-local relations.  Backend-local relations
 * are always transient and removed in case of a database crash; they are
 * never WAL-logged or fsync'd.
typedef struct RelFileLocatorBackend
    RelFileLocator locator;
    BackendId    backend;
} RelFileLocatorBackend;

#define RelFileLocatorBackendIsTemp(rlocator) \
    ((rlocator).backend != InvalidBackendId)

And this is what ReadBuffer_common() and other callers of SmgrIsTemp()
are using. So no, you can't have a temporary table without an assigned

It is my understanding that SmgrIsTemp() and
RelationUsesLocalBuffers() are equivalent except the fact that the
first macro works with SMgrRelation objects and the second one - with
Relation objects.

Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev

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