
On 2023-11-27 15:06:12 +0100, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> On 2023-Nov-27, Andrew Dunstan wrote:
> > Interesting. But inferring a speed effect from such changes is difficult. I
> > don't have a good idea about measuring parser speed, but a tool to do that
> > would be useful. Amit has made a start on such measurements, but it's only a
> > start. I'd prefer to have evidence rather than speculation.

Yea, the parser table sizes are influenced by the increase in complexity of
the grammar, but it's not a trivial correlation. Bison attempts to compress
the state space and it looks like there are some heuristics involved.

> At this point one thing that IMO we cannot afford to do, is stop feature
> progress work on the name of parser speed.

Agreed - I don't think anyone advocated that though.

> But at some point we'll probably have to fix that by parsing differently (a
> top-down parser, perhaps?  Split the parser in smaller pieces that each deal
> with subsets of the whole thing?)

Yea. Both perhaps. Being able to have sub-grammars would be quite powerful I
think, and we might be able to do it without loosing cross-checking from bison
that our grammar is conflict free.  Even if the resulting combined state space
is larger, better locality should more than make up for that.

> The amount of effort spent on the parsing aspect on this thread seems in
> line with what we should always be doing: keep an eye on it, but not
> disregard the work just because the parser tables have grown.

I think we've, in other threads, not paid enough attention to it and just
added stuff to the grammar in the first way that didn't produce shift/reduce
conflicts... Of course a decent part of the problem here is the SQL standard
that so seems to like adding one-off forms of grammar (yes,
func_expr_common_subexpr, I'm looking at you)...


Andres Freund

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