On Thu, Nov 30, 2023 at 5:28 AM Tomas Vondra
<tomas.von...@enterprisedb.com> wrote:
> 3) "bad case" - small transactions that generate a lot of relfilenodes
>   select alter_sequence();
> where the function is defined like this (I did create 1000 sequences
> before the test):
>   CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION alter_sequence() RETURNS void AS $$
>       v INT;
>       v := 1 + (random() * 999)::int;
>       execute format('alter sequence s%s restart with 1000', v);
>       perform nextval('s');
>   END;
>   $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
> This performs terribly, but it's entirely unrelated to sequences.
> Current master has exactly the same problem, if transactions do DDL.
> Like this, for example:
>   CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_table() RETURNS void AS $$
>       v INT;
>       v := 1 + (random() * 999)::int;
>       execute format('create table t%s (a int)', v);
>       execute format('drop table t%s', v);
>       insert into t values (1);
>   END;
>   $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
> This has the same impact on master. The perf report shows this:
>   --98.06%--pg_logical_slot_get_changes_guts
>        |
>         --97.88%--LogicalDecodingProcessRecord
>              |
>              --97.56%--xact_decode
>                   |
>                    --97.51%--DecodeCommit
>                         |
>                         |--91.92%--SnapBuildCommitTxn
>                         |     |
>                         |      --91.65%--SnapBuildBuildSnapshot
>                         |           |
>                         |           --91.14%--pg_qsort
> The sequence decoding is maybe ~1%. The reason why SnapBuildSnapshot
> takes so long is because:
> -----------------
>   Breakpoint 1, SnapBuildBuildSnapshot (builder=0x21f60f8)
>                                       at snapbuild.c:498
>   498        + sizeof(TransactionId) *   builder->committed.xcnt
>   (gdb) p builder->committed.xcnt
>   $4 = 11532
> -----------------
> And with each iteration it grows by 1.

Can we somehow avoid this either by keeping DDL-related xacts open or
aborting them? Also, will it make any difference to use setval as
do_setval() seems to be logging each time?

If possible, can you share the scripts? Kuroda-San has access to the
performance machine, he may be able to try it as well.

With Regards,
Amit Kapila.

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