On 2018/06/14 22:11, Ashutosh Bapat wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 9:42 AM, Amit Langote
>> I'm attaching a patch here to forbid adding a temporary table as partition
>> of permanent table.  I didn't however touch the feature that allows *all*
>> members in a partition tree to be temporary tables.
> Similar problems will happen if a temporary partitioned table's
> hierarchy contains partitions from different sessions. Also, what
> should happen to the partitions from the other session after the
> session creating the temporary partitioned table goes away is not
> clear to me. Should they get dropped, how?
> If I am reading Tom's reply upthread correctly, we should not allow
> creating a temporary partitioned table as well as temporary partitions
> altogether. I thought that that's easily fixable in grammar itself.
> But we allow creating a table in temporary schema. So that doesn't
> work. A better fix might be to prohibit those cases in
> DefineRelation() itself.

Sorry, I may not have described my patch sufficiently, but as mentioned in
my reply to Tom, it suffices to prohibit the cases which we don't handle
correctly, such as a mix of temporary and permanent tables and/or
temporary tables of different sessions appearing in a given partition tree.


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