On Sat, 16 Dec 2023 at 18:49, Ishaan Adarsh <ishaan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I have made some documentation enhancements for PL/pgSQL and PL/Python
> sections. The changes include the addition of a Quick Start Guide to
> facilitate a smoother onboarding experience for users.
> Patch File Name:
> 0001-plpyhton-plpgsql-docu-changes.patch
> Patch Description:
> This patch introduces a Quick Start Guide to the documentation for PL/pgSQL
> and PL/Python. The Quick Start Guide provides users with a step-by-step
> walkthrough of setting up and using these procedural languages. The goal is
> to improve user accessibility and streamline the learning process.
> Changes Made:
> 1. Added a new section titled "Quick Start Guide" to both PL/pgSQL and
> PL/Python documentation.
> 2. Included step-by-step instructions for users to get started with these
> procedural languages.
> 3. Provided explanations, code snippets, and examples to illustrate key
> concepts.
> Discussion Points:
> I am seeking your feedback on the following aspects:
> - Clarity and completeness of the Quick Start Guide
> - Any additional information or examples that could enhance the guide
> - Suggestions for improving the overall documentation structure
> Your insights and suggestions are highly valuable, and I appreciate your
> time in reviewing this documentation enhancement.

It seems you miss <filename> tag in plpgsql "Create the Makefile":

+  <sect2 id="plpgsql-step4">
+    <title>Create the Makefile</title>
+    <para>
+      Create a Makefile in the <filename>pg_plpgsql_ext</filename> directory 
with the following content:
+    </para>

We expected use CREATE EXTENSION to load the extension, should we add the
following in extension--version.sql?

-- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION
\echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION pair" to load this file. \quit

Japin Li
ChengDu WenWu Information Technology Co., Ltd.

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