Hi Heikii,
I haven't dug into your patch yet, but for this problem, I have another
explain verbose
  select foo from mytable order by sha256(bar::bytea);

                                            QUERY PLAN

  Index Scan using mytable_sha256_idx on public.mytable
(cost=0.29..737.28 rows=10000 width=64)
    Output: foo, sha256((bar)::bytea)
(2 rows)

The index is used to satisfy the ORDER BY, but the expensive ORDER BY
expression is still computed for every row, just to be thrown away by
the junk filter.
How about adding the orderby column value  in 'xs_heaptid' with the
together? So that we can use that value directly instead of computing it
when using
an index scan to fetch the ordered data.
Another problem I am concerned about is that if we exclude junk
columns in the sort plan, we may change its behavior. I'm not sure if it
can lead to some
other issues.

Heikki Linnakangas <hlinn...@iki.fi> 于2023年12月22日周五 02:39写道:

> Problem
> -------
> We are using junk columns for (at least) two slightly different purposes:
> 1. For passing row IDs and other such data from lower plan nodes to
> LockRows / ModifyTable.
> 2. To represent ORDER BY and GROUP BY columns that don't appear in the
> SELECT list. For example, in a query like:
>      SELECT foo FROM mytable ORDER BY bar;
> The parser adds 'bar' to the target list as a junk column. You can see
> that with EXPLAIN VERBOSE:
> explain (verbose, costs off)
>    select foo from mytable order by bar;
>              QUERY PLAN
> ----------------------------------
>   Sort
>     Output: foo, bar
>     Sort Key: mytable.bar
>     ->  Seq Scan on public.mytable
>           Output: foo, bar
> (5 rows)
> The 'bar' column get filtered away in the executor, by the so-called
> junk filter. That's fine for simple cases like the above, but in some
> cases, that causes the ORDER BY value to be computed unnecessarily. For
> example:
> create table mytable (foo text, bar text);
> insert into mytable select g, g from generate_series(1, 10000) g;
> create index on mytable (sha256(bar::bytea));
> explain verbose
>   select foo from mytable order by sha256(bar::bytea);
>                                             QUERY PLAN
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Index Scan using mytable_sha256_idx on public.mytable
> (cost=0.29..737.28 rows=10000 width=64)
>     Output: foo, sha256((bar)::bytea)
> (2 rows)
> The index is used to satisfy the ORDER BY, but the expensive ORDER BY
> expression is still computed for every row, just to be thrown away by
> the junk filter.
> This came up with pgvector, as the vector distance functions are pretty
> expensive. All vector operations are expensive, so one extra distance
> function call per row doesn't necessarily make that much difference, but
> it sure looks silly. See
> https://github.com/pgvector/pgvector/issues/359#issuecomment-1840786021
> (thanks Matthias for the investigation!).
> Solution
> --------
> The obvious solution is that the planner should not include those junk
> columns in the plan. But how exactly to implement that is a different
> matter.
> I came up with the attached patch set, which adds a projection to all
> the paths at the end of planning in grouping_planner(). The projection
> filters out the unnecessary junk columns. With that, the plan for the
> above example:
> postgres=# explain verbose select foo from mytable order by
> sha256(bar::bytea);
>                                            QUERY PLAN
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Index Scan using mytable_sha256_idx on public.mytable
> (cost=0.29..662.24 rows=10000 width=4)
>     Output: foo
> (2 rows)
> Problems with the solution
> --------------------------
> So this seems to work, but I have a few doubts:
> 1. Because Sort cannot project, this adds an extra Result node on top of
> Sort nodes when the the ORDER BY is implemented by sorting:
> postgres=# explain verbose select foo from mytable order by bar;
>                                     QUERY PLAN
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Result  (cost=818.39..843.39 rows=10000 width=4)
>     Output: foo
>     ->  Sort  (cost=818.39..843.39 rows=10000 width=8)
>           Output: foo, bar
>           Sort Key: mytable.bar
>           ->  Seq Scan on public.mytable  (cost=0.00..154.00 rows=10000
> width=8)
>                 Output: foo, bar
> (7 rows)
>  From a performance point of view, I think that's not as bad as it
> sounds. Remember that without this patch, the executor needs to execute
> the junk filter to filter out the extra column instead. It's not clear
> that an extra Result is worse than that, although I haven't tried
> benchmarking it though.
> This makes plans for queries like above more verbose though. Perhaps we
> should teach Sort (and MergeAppend) to do projection, just to avoid that?
> Another solution would be to continue relying on the junk filter, if
> adding the projection in the planner leads to an extra Result node.
> That's a bit ugly, because then the final target list of a (sub)query
> depends on the Path that's chosen.
> 2. Instead of tacking on the projection to the paths at the end, I first
> tried modifying the code earlier in grouping_planner() that computes the
> target lists for the different plan stages. That still feels like a
> cleaner approach to me, although I don't think there's any difference in
> the generated plans in practice. However I ran into some problems with
> that approach and gave up.
> I basically tried to remove the junk columns from 'final_target', and
> have create_ordered_paths() create paths with the filtered target list
> directly. And if there is no ORDER BY, leave out the junk columns from
> 'grouping_target' too, and have create_grouping_paths() generate the
> final target list directly. However, create_grouping_paths() assumes
> that the grouping columns are included in 'grouping_target'. And
> similarly in create_ordered_paths(), some partial planning stages assume
> that the ordering columns are included in 'final_target'. Those
> assumptions could probably be fixed, but I ran out of steam trying to do
> that.
> 3. I also considered if we should stop using junk columns to represent
> ORDER BY / GROUP BY columns like this in the first place. Perhaps we
> should have a separate list for those and not stash them in the target
> list. But that seems like a much bigger change.
> 4. It would be nice to get rid of the junk filter in the executor
> altogether. With this patch, the junk columns used for RowLocks and
> ModifyTable are still included in the final target list, and are still
> filtered out by the junk filter. But we could add similar projections
> between the RowLocks and ModifyTable stages, to eliminate all the junk
> columns at the top of the plan. ExecFilterJunk() isn't a lot of code,
> but it would feel cleaner to me. I didn't try to implement that.
> 5. I'm not sure the categorization of junk columns that I implemented
> here is the best one. It might make sense to have more categories, and
> distinguish row-id columns from others for example. And ORDER BY columns
> from GROUP BY columns.
> Patches
> -------
> So the attached patches implement that idea, with the above-mentioned
> problems. I think this approach is fine as it is, despite those
> problems, but my planner-fu is a rusty so I really need review and a
> second opinion on this.
> v1-0001-Add-test-for-Min-Max-optimization-with-kNN-index-.patch
> v1-0002-Show-how-ORDER-BY-expression-is-computed-unnecess.patch
> These patches just add to existing tests to demonstrate the problem.
> v1-0003-Turn-resjunk-into-an-enum.patch
> Replace 'resjunk' boolean with an enum, so that we can distinguish
> between different junk columns. The next patch uses that information to
> identify junk columns that can be filtered out. It's is a separate patch
> for easier review.
> v1-0004-Omit-columns-from-final-tlist-that-were-only-need.patch
> The main patch in this series.
> v1-0005-Fix-regression-tests-caused-by-additional-Result-.patch
> Regression test output changes, for all the plans with Sort that now
> have Sort + Result. See "Problem with the solution" #1.
> --
> Heikki Linnakangas
> Neon (https://neon.tech)

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