On Fri, 21 Jul 2023 at 02:59, Ivan Panchenko <w...@mail.ru> wrote:
> Friday, 14 July 2023, 23:27 +03:00 от Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us>:
> =?UTF-8?B?SXZhbiBQYW5jaGVua28=?= <w...@mail.ru> writes:
> > Четверг, 6 июля 2023, 14:48 +03:00 от Peter Eisentraut < 
> > pe...@eisentraut.org >:
> >> If the transform deals with a built-in type, then they should just be
> >> added to the respective pl extension directly.
> > The new extension bytea_plperl can be easily moved into plperl now, but 
> > what should be do with the existing ones, namely jsonb_plperl and 
> > bool_plperl ?
> > If we leave them where they are, it would be hard to explain why some 
> > transforms are inside plperl while other ones live separately. If we move 
> > them into plperl also, wouldn’t it break some compatibility?
> It's kind of a mess, indeed. But I think we could make plperl 1.1
> contain the additional transforms and just tell people they have
> to drop the obsolete extensions before they upgrade to 1.1.
> Fortunately, it doesn't look like functions using a transform
> have any hard dependency on the transform, so "drop extension
> jsonb_plperl" followed by "alter extension plperl update" should
> work without cascading to all your plperl functions.
> Having said that, we'd still be in the position of having to
> explain why some transforms are packaged with plperl and others
> not. The distinction between built-in and contrib types might
> be obvious to us hackers, but I bet a lot of users see it as
> pretty artificial. So maybe the existing packaging design is
> fine and we should just look for a way to reduce the code
> duplication.
> The code duplication between different transforms is not in C code, but 
> mostly in copy-pasted Makefile, *.control, *.sql and meson-build. These files 
> could be generated from some universal templates. But, keeping in mind 
> Windows compatibility and presence of three build system, this hardly looks 
> like a simplification.
> Probably at present time it would be better to keep the existing code 
> duplication until plperl 1.1.
> Nevertheless, dealing with code duplication is a wider task than the bytea 
> transform, so let me suggest to keep this extension in the present form. If 
> we decide what to do with the duplication, it would be another patch.
> The mesonified and rebased version of the transform patch is attached.

The patch needs to be rebased as these changes are not required anymore:
diff --git a/src/tools/msvc/Mkvcbuild.pm b/src/tools/msvc/Mkvcbuild.pm
index 9e05eb91b1..ec0a3f8097 100644
--- a/src/tools/msvc/Mkvcbuild.pm
+++ b/src/tools/msvc/Mkvcbuild.pm
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ my $contrib_extralibs = { 'libpq_pipeline' =>
['ws2_32.lib'] };
 my $contrib_extraincludes = {};
 my $contrib_extrasource = {};
 my @contrib_excludes = (
-       'bool_plperl', 'commit_ts',
+       'bool_plperl', 'bytea_plperl', 'commit_ts',
        'hstore_plperl', 'hstore_plpython',
        'intagg', 'jsonb_plperl',
        'jsonb_plpython', 'ltree_plpython',
@@ -791,6 +791,9 @@ sub mkvcbuild
                my $bool_plperl = AddTransformModule(
                        'bool_plperl', 'contrib/bool_plperl',
                        'plperl', 'src/pl/plperl');
+               my $bytea_plperl = AddTransformModule(
+                       'bytea_plperl', 'contrib/bytea_plperl',
+                       'plperl',      'src/pl/plperl');


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