On Sat, Jan 6, 2024 at 8:44 AM jian he <jian.universal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> some tests after applying V33 and my small changes.
> setup:
> create table test_scalar1(js jsonb);
> insert into test_scalar1 select jsonb '{"a":"[12,13]"}' FROM
> generate_series(1,1e5) g;
> create table test_scalar2(js jsonb);
> insert into test_scalar2 select jsonb '{"a":12}' FROM
generate_series(1,1e5) g;
> create table test_array1(js jsonb);
> insert into test_array1 select jsonb '{"a":[1,2,3,4,5]}' FROM
> generate_series(1,1e5) g;
> create table test_array2(js jsonb);
> insert into test_array2 select jsonb '{"a": "{1,2,3,4,5}"}' FROM
> generate_series(1,1e5) g;
same as before, v33 plus my 4 minor changes (dot no-cfbot in previous
I realized my previous tests were wrong.
because I use build type=debug and also add a bunch of c_args.
so the following test results have no c_args, just  -Dbuildtype=release.
I actually tested several times.

----------------------------------------return a scalar int4range
explain(costs off,analyze) SELECT item FROM test_scalar1, JSON_TABLE(js,
'$.a' COLUMNS (item int4range PATH '$' omit quotes)) \watch count=5
56.487 ms

explain(costs off,analyze) select json_query(js, '$.a' returning int4range
omit quotes) from test_scalar1  \watch count=5
27.272 ms

explain(costs off,analyze) select json_value(js,'$.a' returning int4range)
from test_scalar1 \watch count=5
22.775 ms

explain(costs off,analyze) select (js->>'a')::int4range from test_scalar1
\watch count=5
17.520 ms

explain(costs off,analyze) select trim(both '"' from
jsonb_path_query_first(js,'$.a')::text)::int4range from test_scalar1 \watch
36.946 ms

----------------------------return a numeric array from jsonb array.
explain(costs off,analyze) SELECT item FROM test_array1, JSON_TABLE(js,
'$.a' COLUMNS (item numeric[] PATH '$')) \watch count=5
20.197 ms

explain(costs off,analyze) SELECT json_query(js, '$.a' returning numeric[])
from test_array1 \watch count=5
69.759 ms

explain(costs off,analyze) SELECT
replace(replace(js->>'a','[','{'),']','}')::numeric[] from test_array1
\watch count=5
62.114 ms

----------------------------return a numeric array from jsonb string
explain(costs off,analyze) SELECT item FROM test_array2,  JSON_TABLE(js,
'$.a' COLUMNS (item numeric[] PATH '$' omit quotes)) \watch count=5
18.770 ms

explain(costs off,analyze) SELECT json_query(js,'$.a' returning numeric[]
omit quotes) from test_array2 \watch count=5
46.373 ms

explain(costs off,analyze) SELECT trim(both '"'
from(jsonb_path_query(js,'$.a')::text))::numeric[] from test_array2 \watch
71.901 ms

explain(costs off,analyze) SELECT (js->>'a')::numeric[] from test_array2
\watch count=5
35.572 ms

explain(costs off,analyze) SELECT trim(both '"' from (json_query(js,'$.a'
returning text)))::numeric[]  from test_array2 \watch count=5
58.755 ms

----------------------------return a scalar numeric
explain(costs off,analyze) SELECT item FROM test_scalar2,
JSON_TABLE(js, '$.a' COLUMNS (item numeric PATH '$' omit quotes)) \watch
18.723 ms

explain(costs off,analyze) select json_query(js,'$.a' returning numeric)
from test_scalar2 \watch count=5
18.234 ms

explain(costs off,analyze) select json_value(js,'$.a' returning numeric)
from test_scalar2 \watch count=5
11.667 ms

explain(costs off,analyze) select jsonb_path_query_first(js,'$.a')::numeric
from test_scalar2 \watch count=5
17.691 ms

explain(costs off,analyze) select jsonb_path_query(js,'$.a')::numeric from
test_scalar2 \watch count=5
31.596 ms

explain(costs off,analyze) select (js->>'a')::numeric from test_scalar2
\watch count=5
13.887 ms

----------------------------return two scalar numeric
explain(costs off,analyze) select (js->>'a')::numeric, (js->>'a')::numeric
from test_scalar2 \watch count=5
22.201 ms

explain(costs off,analyze) SELECT item, item1 FROM test_scalar2,
JSON_TABLE(js, '$.a' COLUMNS (item numeric PATH '$' omit quotes,
                            item1 numeric PATH '$' omit quotes)) \watch
19.108 ms

explain(costs off,analyze) select json_value(js,'$.a' returning numeric),
        json_value(js,'$.a' returning numeric) from test_scalar2 \watch
17.915 ms

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