On 10/1/2024 20:27, Konstantin Knizhnik wrote:

On 10/01/2024 8:46 am, Michael Paquier wrote:
On Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 01:29:30PM +0700, Andrei Lepikhov wrote:
What do you think about this really useful feature? Do you wish to develop
it further?
I am biased here.  This seems like a lot of code for something we've
been delegating to the explain hook for ages.  Even if I can see the
appeal of pushing that more into explain.c to get more data on a
per-node basis depending on the custom options given by the caller of
an EXPLAIN entry point, I cannot get really excited about the extra
maintenance this facility would involve compared to the potential
gains, knowing that there's a hook.

Well, I am not sure that proposed patch is flexible enough to handle all possible scenarios. I just wanted to make it as simple as possible to leave some chances for it to me merged. But it is easy to answer the question why existed explain hook is not enough:

1. It doesn't allow to add some extra options to EXPLAIN. My intention was to be able to do something like this "explain (analyze,buffers,prefetch) ...". It is completely not possible with explain hook.
I agree. Designing mostly planner-related extensions, I also wanted to add some information to the explain of nodes. For example, pg_query_state could add the status of the node at the time of interruption of execution: started, stopped, or loop closed. Maybe we should gather some statistics on how developers of extensions deal with that issue ...

Andrei Lepikhov
Postgres Professional

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