On Mon, 2024-01-15 at 15:53 -0500, Joe Conway wrote:
> I took a quick scan through the patch. The only thing that jumped out
> at 
> me was that it seems like it might make sense to use 
> quote_literal_cstr() rather than defining your own
> appendEscapedValue() 
> function?

The rules are slightly different. Libpq expects a connection string to
escape only single-quote and backslash, and the escape character is
always backslash:


quote_literal_cstr() has more complicated rules. If there's a backslash
anywhere in the string, it uses the E'' form. If it encounters a
backslash it escapes it with backslash, but if it encounters a single-
quote it escapes it with single-quote. See:


I'll include some tests and a better comment for it in the next patch

        Jeff Davis

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