On Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 6:31 AM Amul Sul <sula...@gmail.com> wrote:
> With the attached patch, the backup manifest will have a new key item as
> "System-Identifier" 64-bit integer whose value is derived from pg_control 
> while
> generating it, and the manifest version bumps to 2.
> This helps to identify the correct database server and/or backup for the
> subsequent backup operations.  pg_verifybackup validates the manifest system
> identifier against the backup control file and fails if they don’t match.
> Similarly, pg_basebackup increment backup will fail if the manifest system
> identifier does not match with the server system identifier.  The
> pg_combinebackup is already a bit smarter -- checks the system identifier from
> the pg_control of all the backups, with this patch the manifest system
> identifier also validated.

Thanks for working on this. Without this, I think what happens is that
you can potentially take an incremental backup from the "wrong"
server, if the states of the systems are such that all of the other
sanity checks pass. When you run pg_combinebackup, it'll discover the
problem and tell you, but you ideally want to discover such errors at
backup time rather than at restore time. This addresses that. And,
overall, I think it's a pretty good patch. But I nonetheless have a
bunch of comments.

-      The associated value is always the integer 1.
+      The associated value is the integer, either 1 or 2.

is an integer. Beginning in <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> 17,
it is 2; in older versions, it is 1.

+ context.identity_cb = manifest_process_identity;

I'm not really on board with calling the system identifier "identity"
throughout the patch. I think it should just say system_identifier. If
we were going to abbreviate, I'd prefer something like "sysident" that
looks like it's derived from "system identifier" rather than
"identity" which is a different word altogether. But I don't think we
should abbreviate unless doing so creates *ridiculously* long
identifier names.

+static void
+manifest_process_identity(JsonManifestParseContext *context,
+   int manifest_version,
+   uint64 manifest_system_identifier)
+ uint64 system_identifier;
+ /* Manifest system identifier available in version 2 or later */
+ if (manifest_version == 1)
+ return;

I think you've got the wrong idea here. I think this function would
only get called if System-Identifier is present in the manifest, so if
it's a v1 manifest, this would never get called, so this if-statement
would not ever do anything useful. I think what you should do is (1)
if the client supplies a v1 manifest, reject it, because surely that's
from an older server version that doesn't support incremental backup;
but do that when the version is parsed rather than here; and (2) also
detect and reject the case when it's supposedly a v2 manifest but this
is absent.

(1) should really be done when the version number is parsed, so I
suspect you may need to add manifest_version_cb.

+static void
+combinebackup_identity_cb(JsonManifestParseContext *context,
+   int manifest_version,
+   uint64 manifest_system_identifier)
+ parser_context *private_context = context->private_data;
+ uint64 system_identifier = private_context->system_identifier;
+ /* Manifest system identifier available in version 2 or later */
+ if (manifest_version == 1)
+ return;

Very similar to the above case. Just reject a version 1 manifest as
soon as we see the version number. In this function, set a flag
indicating we saw the system identifier; if at the end of parsing that
flag is not set, kaboom.

- parse_manifest_file(manifest_path, &context.ht, &first_wal_range);
+ parse_manifest_file(manifest_path, &context.ht, &first_wal_range,
+ context.backup_directory);

Don't do this! parse_manifest_file() should just record everything
found in the manifest in the context object. Syntax validation should
happen while parsing the manifest (e.g. "CAT/DOG" is not a valid LSN
and we should reject that at this stage) but semantic validation
should happen later (e.g. "0/0" can't be a the correct backup end LSN
but we don't figure that out while parsing, but rather later). I think
you should actually move validation of the system identifier to the
point where the directory walk encounters the control file (and update
the docs and tests to match that decision). Imagine if you wanted to
validate a tar-format backup; then you wouldn't have random access to
the directory. You'd see the manifest file first, and then all the
files in a random order, with one chance to look at each one.

(This is, in fact, a feature I think we should implement.)

- if (strcmp(token, "1") != 0)
+ parse->manifest_version = atoi(token);
+ if (parse->manifest_version != 1 && parse->manifest_version != 2)
  "unexpected manifest version");

Please either (a) don't do a string-to-integer conversion and just
strcmp() twice or (b) use strtol so that you can check that it
succeeded. I don't want to accept manifest version 1a as 1.

+ * Validate manifest system identifier against the database server system
+ * identifier.
+ */

This comment assumes you know what the callback is going to do, but
you don't. This should be more like the comment for
json_manifest_finalize_file or json_manifest_finalize_wal_range.

Robert Haas
EDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

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