
> But now (after big timeseries project with multiple time zones and DST 
> problems) I think differently.
> Even though timestamp and timestamptz are practically the same, timestamptz 
> should be used to store the time in UTC.
> Choosing timestamp is more likely to lead to problems and misunderstandings 
> than timestamptz.

As somebody who contributed TZ support to TimescaleDB I'm more or less
aware about the pros and cons of Timestamp and TimestampTz :)
Engineering is all about compromises. I can imagine a project where it
makes sense to use only TimestampTz for the entire database, and the
opposite - when it's better to use only UTC and Timestamp. In this
particular case I was merely concerned that the particular choice
could be confusing for the users but I think I changed my mind by now,
see below.

>> Here's v12. Changes:
>> 1. Documentation improvements
>> 2. Code comments
>> 3. Better commit message and reviews list
> Thank you, Andrey! I have just checked v12 – cleanly applied to HEAD, and 
> functions work well. I especially like that fact that we keep 
> uuid_extract_time(..) here – this is a great thing to have for time-based 
> partitioning, and in many cases we will be able to decide not to have a 
> creation column timestamp (e.g., "created_at") at all, saving 8 bytes.
> The docs and comments look great too.
> Overall, the patch looks mature enough. It would be great to have it in pg17. 
> Yes, the RFC is not fully finalized yet, but it's very close. And many 
> libraries are already including implementation of UUIDv7 – here are some 
> examples:
> - https://www.npmjs.com/package/uuidv7
> - https://crates.io/crates/uuidv7
> - https://github.com/google/uuid/pull/139


After playing with v12 I'm inclined to agree that it's RfC.

I only have a couple of silly nitpicks:

- It could make sense to decompose the C implementation of uuidv7() in
two functions, for readability.
- It could make sense to get rid of curly braces in SQL tests when
calling uuid_extract_ver() and uuid_extract_ver(), for consistency.

I'm not going to insist on these changes though and prefer leaving it
to the author and the committer to decide.

Also I take back what I said above about using Timestamp instead of
TimestampTz. I forgot that Timestamps are implicitly casted to
TimestampTz's, so users preferring Timestamps can do this:

=# select uuidv7('2024-01-22 12:34:56' :: timestamp);

Cfbot also seems to be happy with the patch so I'm changing the CF
entry status to RfC.

Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev

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