Dear hackers,

Based on the requirement, I have profiled the performance test. It showed 
are in small-data case are mainly two - starting a server and waiting until the
recovery is done.

# Tested source code

V7 patch set was applied atop HEAD(0eb23285). No configure options were 
when it was built.

# Tested workload

I focused on only 100MB/1GB cases because bigger ones have already had good 
(Number of inserted tuples were same as previous tests)
I used bash script instead of tap test framework. See attached. Executed SQLs 
operations were almost the same.

As you can see, I tested only one-db case. Results may be changed if the number
of databases were changed.

# Measurement
Some debug logs which output current time were added (please see diff file).
I picked up some events and done at before/after them. Below bullets showed the 
measured ones:

* Starting a server
* Stopping a server
* Creating replication slots
* Creating publications
* Waiting until the recovery ended
* Creating subscriptions

# Result 
Below table shows the elapsed time for these events. Raw data is also available
by the attached excel file.

|Event category                  |100MB case [sec]|1GB [sec]|
|Starting a server               |1.414           |1.417    |
|Stoping a server                |0.506           |0.506    |
|Creating replication slots      |0.005           |0.007    |
|Creating publications           |0.001           |0.002    |
|Waiting until the recovery ended|1.603           |14.529   |
|Creating subscriptions          |0.012           |0.012    |
|Total                           |3.541           |16.473   |
|actual time                     |4.37            |17.271   |

As you can see, starting servers and waiting seem slow. We cannot omit these,
but setting smaller shared_buffers will reduce the start time. One approach is
to overwrite the GUC to smaller value, but I think we cannot determine the
appropriate value.

Best Regards,
Hayato Kuroda


Attachment: perf_result.xlsx
Description: perf_result.xlsx

Attachment: add_debug_log.diff
Description: add_debug_log.diff

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