On Sun, Jan 28, 2024 at 1:29 PM Pavel Luzanov <p.luza...@postgrespro.ru>

> I'd suggest pulling out this system view change into its own patch.
> But within this thread or new one?
Thread.  The subject line needs to make clear we are proposing changing a
system view.

The connection limit can be set to 0. What should be displayed in this
case, blank or 0?
> 0 or even "not allowed" to make it clear

> The connection limit can be set for superusers. What should be displayed in 
> this case,
> blank or actual non-effective value?
> print "# (ignored)" ?

CREATE|ALTER ROLE commands allow incorrect values to be set for 'Conn
limit' and 'Valid until'.
> How can the administrator see them and fix them?
That is unfortunate...but they can always go look at the actual system
view.  Or do what i showed above and add (invalid) after the real value.
Note I'm only really talking about -1 here being the value that is simply
hidden from display since it means unlimited and not actually -1

I'd be more inclined to print "forever" for valid until since the existing
presentation of a timestamp is already multiple characters. Using a word
for a column that is typically a number is less appealing.

David J.

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