On Tue, Feb 06, 2024 at 05:27:01PM +0000, Maiquel Grassi wrote:
> I'm seeking to improve the \conninfo meta-command in psql. Currently, it
> provides limited information about the current connection. I believe that
> expanding it using the concept of "plus" [+] could ease the work of DBAs,
> SysAdmins, DevOps, etc., who manage a large volume of databases and/or
> multiple PostgreSQL servers. The objective of this enhancement is to
> obtain quick information about the current connection (session). I
> believe that for a PostgreSQL administrator, it is not feasible to write
> a plpgsql function and apply it to all databases (for example, imagine
> managing over 200 databases). I have an example on GitHub
> https://github.com/maiquelgrassi/DBA-toolkit/blob/main/cluster/dba_whoami_function.sql
> of a plpgsql function demonstrating exactly what I believe is impractical
> for the daily routine of a PostgreSQL professional. I see psql's
> meta-commands as significant allies in daily work in productive
> environments.

This seems like a reasonable idea to me.

> postgres=# \conninfo+
>  Current Connection Information
>    Attribute    |     Value
> ----------------+----------------
>  Database       | postgres
>  User           | postgres
>  Server Version | 16.1
>  Server Address |
>  Server Port    | 5433
>  Client Address |
>  Client Port    | 52716
>  Session PID    | 21624
> (8 rows)

My first reaction is that this should instead return a single row with the
same set of columns for any connection type (the not-applicable ones would
just be set to NULL).  That would match the other meta-commands like \l and
\du, and you could still get an expanded display with \x if needed.  Also,
I think it would simplify the code a bit.

Nathan Bossart
Amazon Web Services: https://aws.amazon.com

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