On Thu, Feb 15, 2024 at 10:37 AM Hayato Kuroda (Fujitsu)
<kuroda.hay...@fujitsu.com> wrote:
> Dear Euler,
> Here are my minor comments for 17.
> 01.
> ```
> /* Options */
> static const char *progname;
> static char *primary_slot_name = NULL;
> static bool dry_run = false;
> static bool success = false;
> static LogicalRepInfo *dbinfo;
> static int      num_dbs = 0;
> ```
> The comment seems out-of-date. There is only one option.
> 02. check_subscriber and check_publisher
> Missing pg_catalog prefix in some lines.
> 03. get_base_conninfo
> I think dbname would not be set. IIUC, dbname should be a pointer of the 
> pointer.
> 04.
> I check the coverage and found two functions have been never called:
>  - drop_subscription
>  - drop_replication_slot
> Also, some cases were not tested. Below bullet showed notable ones for me.
> (Some of them would not be needed based on discussions)
> * -r is specified
> * -t is specified
> * -P option contains dbname
> * -d is not specified
> * GUC settings are wrong
> * primary_slot_name is specified on the standby
> * standby server is not working
> In feature level, we may able to check the server log is surely removed in 
> case
> of success.
> So, which tests should be added? drop_subscription() is called only when the
> cleanup phase, so it may be difficult to test. According to others, it seems 
> that
> -r and -t are not tested. GUC-settings have many test cases so not sure they
> should be. Based on this, others can be tested.
> PSA my top-up patch set.
> V18-0001: same as your patch, v17-0001.
> V18-0002: modify the alignment of codes.
> V18-0003: change an argument of get_base_conninfo. Per comment 3.
> === experimental patches ===
> V18-0004: Add testcases per comment 4.
> V18-0005: Remove -P option. I'm not sure it should be needed, but I made just 
> in case.

I created a cascade Physical Replication system like
node1->node2->node3 and ran pg_createsubscriber for node2. After
running the script, I started the node2 again and found
pg_createsubscriber command was successful after which the physical
replication between node2 and node3 has been broken. I feel
pg_createsubscriber should check this scenario and throw an error in
this case to avoid breaking the cascaded replication setup. I have
attached the script which was used to verify this.

Thanks and Regards,
Shubham Khanna.

# This script tests a case of cascading replication.
# Creating system,:
#   node1-(physical replication)->node2-(physical replication)->node3

# Stop instances
pg_ctl stop -D node1
pg_ctl stop -D node2
pg_ctl stop -D node3

# Remove old files
rm -rf node1
rm -rf node2
rm -rf node3
rm log_node2 log_node1 log_node3

# Initialize primary
initdb -D node1

echo "wal_level = logical" >> node1/postgresql.conf
echo "max_replication_slots=3" >> node1/postgresql.conf

pg_ctl -D node1 -l log_node1 start

psql -d postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE db1";
psql -d db1 -c "CHECKPOINT";

sleep 3

# Initialize standby
pg_basebackup -v -R -D node2
echo "Port=9000" >> node2/postgresql.conf

pg_ctl -D node2 -l log_node2 start

# Initialize another standby
pg_basebackup -p 9000 -v -R -D node3
echo "Port=9001" >> node3/postgresql.conf
pg_ctl -D node3 -l log_node3 start

# Insert a tuple to primary
psql -d db1 -c "CREATE TABLE c1(a int)";
psql -d db1 -c "Insert into c1 Values(2)";
sleep 3

# And verify it can be seen on another standby
psql -d db1 -p 9001 -c "Select * from c1";

pg_createsubscriber -D node2/ -S "host=localhost port=9000 dbname=postgres" -d postgres -d db1 -r -v
pg_ctl -D node2 -l log_node2 start

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