Dear Euler,

Here are comments for v21.

01. main
        /* rudimentary check for a data directory. */
        /* subscriber PID file. */

Initial char must be upper, and period is not needed.

02. check_data_directory
        snprintf(versionfile, MAXPGPATH, "%s/PG_VERSION", datadir);

You removed the version checking from PG_VERSION, but I think it is still 
Indeed v21 can detect the pg_ctl/pg_resetwal/pg_createsubscriber has different
verson, but this cannot ditect the started instance has the differnet version.
I.e., v20-0010 is partially needed.

03. store_pub_sub_info()
        SimpleStringListCell *cell;

This definition can be in loop variable.

04. get_standby_sysid()

This can be pg_pfree().

05. check_subscriber
        /* The target server must be a standby */
        if (server_is_in_recovery(conn) == 0)
                pg_log_error("The target server is not a standby");
                return false;

What if the the function returns -1? Should we ditect (maybe the disconnection) 

06. server_is_in_recovery
        ret = strcmp("t", PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0));


        if (ret == 0)
                return 1;
        else if (ret > 0)
                return 0;
                return -1;                              /* should not happen */

But strcmp may return a negative value, right? Based on the comment atop 
we should not do it. I think we can use ternary operator instead.

07. server_is_in_recovery

As the fisrt place, no one consider this returns -1. So can we change the bool
function and raise pg_fatal() in case of the error?

08. check_subscriber
        if (strcmp(PQgetvalue(res, 0, 1), "t") != 0)
                pg_log_error("permission denied for function \"%s\"",
"pg_catalog.pg_replication_origin_advance(text, pg_lsn)");
                return false;

I think the third argument must be 2.

09. check_subscriber
        pg_log_debug("subscriber: primary_slot_name: %s", primary_slot_name);

The output seems strange if the primary_slot_name is not set.

10. setup_publisher()
        PGconn     *conn;
        PGresult   *res;

Definitions can be in the loop.

11. create_publication()
        if (PQntuples(res) == 1)
                 * If publication name already exists and puballtables is true, 
                 * use it. A previous run of pg_createsubscriber must have 
                 * this publication. Bail out.

Hmm, but pre-existing publications may not send INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/TRUNCATE.
They should be checked if we really want to reuse.
(I think it is OK to just raise ERROR)

12. create_publication()

Based on above, we do not have to check before creating publicatios. The 
can detect the duplication. I prefer it.

13. create_logical_replication_slot()
                if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
                        pg_log_error("could not create replication slot \"%s\" 
on database \"%s\": %s",
                                                 slot_name, dbinfo->dbname,
                        return lsn;

I know lsn is always NULL, but can we use `return NULL`?

14. setup_subscriber()
        PGconn     *conn;


This definition can be in the loop.


You said in case of failure, cleanups is not needed if the process exits soon 
But some functions call PQfinish() then exit(1) or pg_fatal(). Should we follow?


Some places refer PGresult or PGConn even after the cleanup. They must be fixed.
                pg_fatal("could not get system identifier: %s",

I think this is a root cause why sometimes the wrong error message has output.


Some places call PQerrorMessage() and other places call PQresultErrorMessage().
I think it PQerrorMessage() should be used only after the connection 
functions. Thought?

use warnings;

We must set "FATAL = all";

my $node_p;
my $node_f;
my $node_s;
my $node_c;
my $result;
my $slotname;

I could not find forward declarations in perl file.
The node name might be bit a consuging, but I could not find better name.

# On node P
# - create databases
# - create test tables
# - insert a row
# - create a physical replication slot
        'postgres', q(
        CREATE DATABASE pg1;
        CREATE DATABASE pg2;
$node_p->safe_psql('pg1', 'CREATE TABLE tbl1 (a text)');
$node_p->safe_psql('pg1', "INSERT INTO tbl1 VALUES('first row')");
$node_p->safe_psql('pg2', 'CREATE TABLE tbl2 (a text)');
my $slotname = 'physical_slot';
        "SELECT pg_create_physical_replication_slot('$slotname')");

I think setting of the same node can be gathered into one place.
Also, any settings and definitions should be done just before they are used.

        'postgresql.conf', qq[
log_min_messages = debug2
primary_slot_name = '$slotname'

I could not find a reason why we set to debug2.


command_checks_all() can check returned value and outputs.
Should we use it?


Can you add headers for each testcases? E.g., 

# ------------------------------
# Check pg_createsubscriber fails when the target server is not a
# standby of the source.
# ------------------------------
# Check pg_createsubscriber fails when the target server is not running
# ------------------------------
# Check pg_createsubscriber fails when the target server is a member of
# the cascading standby.
# ------------------------------
# Check successful dry-run 
# ------------------------------
# Check successful conversion

# Stop node C
Why you choose the teardown?


The creation of subscriptions are not directory tested. @subnames contains the
name of subscriptions, but it just assumes the number of them is more than two.

Since it may be useful, I will post top-up patch on Monday, if there are no 


Best Regards,
Hayato Kuroda

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