On 2024-Feb-19, Chris Cleveland wrote:

> Is it possible to launch an autovacuum from within an extension?
> I'm developing an index access method. After the index gets built it
> needs some cleanup and optimization. I'd prefer to do this in the
> amvacuumcleanup() method so it can happen periodically and
> asynchronously.

Autovacuum has a mechanism to be requested work -- grep the tree for
AutoVacuumRequestWork and AutoVacuumWorkItemType.  Currently its only
use is BRIN autosummarization, but it's possible to add others by
patching the core code.  If you want to propose the idea of making it
extensible, I think it would serve not only your present use case but
plenty of others, too.

Álvaro Herrera        Breisgau, Deutschland  —  https://www.EnterpriseDB.com/

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