On Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 12:29 AM Давыдов Виталий <v.davy...@postgrespro.ru>

> Dear All,
> I'd like to present and talk about a problem when 2PC transactions are
> applied quite slowly on a replica during logical replication. There is a
> master and a replica with established logical replication from the master
> to the replica with twophase = true. With some load level on the master,
> the replica starts to lag behind the master, and the lag will be
> increasing. We have to significantly decrease the load on the master to
> allow replica to complete the catchup. Such problem may create significant
> difficulties in the production. The problem appears at least on
> REL_16_STABLE branch.
> To reproduce the problem:
>    - Setup logical replication from master to replica with subscription
>    parameter twophase =  true.
>    - Create some intermediate load on the master (use pgbench with custom
>    sql with prepare+commit)
>    - Optionally switch off the replica for some time (keep load on
>    master).
>    - Switch on the replica and wait until it reaches the master.
> The replica will never reach the master with even some low load on the
> master. If to remove the load, the replica will reach the master for much
> greater time, than expected. I tried the same for regular transactions, but
> such problem doesn't appear even with a decent load.
I tried this setup and I do see that the logical subscriber does reach the
master in a short time. I'm not sure what I'm missing. I stopped the
logical subscriber in between while pgbench was running and then started it
again and ran the following:
postgres=# SELECT sent_lsn, pg_current_wal_lsn() FROM pg_stat_replication;
 sent_lsn  | pg_current_wal_lsn
 0/6793FA0 | 0/6793FA0 <=== caught up
(1 row)

My pgbench command:
pgbench postgres -p 6972 -c 2 -j 3 -f /home/ajin/test.sql -T 200 -P 5

my custom sql file:
cat test.sql
SELECT md5(random()::text) as mygid \gset
DELETE FROM test WHERE v = pg_backend_pid();
INSERT INTO test(v) SELECT pg_backend_pid();

Ajin Cherian
Fujitsu Australia

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