On Tue, Feb 27, 2024 at 6:38 AM Stephen Frost <sfr...@snowman.net> wrote:
> Greetings,
> * Xing Guo (higuox...@gmail.com) wrote:
> > Looks that many hackers are happy with the original patch except that
> > the original patch needs a simple rebase, though it has been 3 years.
> I'm not completely against the idea of adding these hooks, but I have to
> say that it's unfortunate to imagine having to use an extension for
> something like quotas as it's really something that would ideally be in
> core.
> > Shall we push forward this patch so that it can benefit extensions not
> > only diskquota?
> Would be great to hear about other use-cases for these hooks, which
> would also help us be comfortable that these are the right hooks to
> introduce with the correct arguments.  What are the other extensions
> that you're referring to here..?

Sorry, we don't have another concrete extension that utilizes the
smgrcreate / smgrtruncate / smgrdounlinkall hooks right now. But we
have a transparent data encryption extension that utilizes the
smgrread and smgrwrite hooks to mutate the read buffer and write
buffer in place to perform file level encryption and decryption. I
think smgrwrite / smgrread / smgrcreate / smgrtruncate and
smgrdounlinkall hooks fall into the same catagory and these hooks are
different from the recent proposed storage manager API hooks[1].
Probably it is worth starting a new thread and discussing them.


> Thanks,
> Stephen

Best Regards,

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