On Wed, 2024-03-06 at 17:33 -0500, Isaac Morland wrote:
> I have two questions about this:
> First, can it be done per role? If I have a particular application which is
> constantly throwing some particular error, I might want to suppress it, but
> not suppress the same error occasionally coming from another application.
> I see ALTER DATABASE name SET configuration_parameter … as being useful here,
> but often multiple applications share a database.
> Second, where can this setting be adjusted? Can any session turn off logging
> of arbitrary sets of sqlstates resulting from its queries? It feels to me
> like that might allow security problems to be hidden. Specifically, the first
> thing an SQL injection might do would be to turn off logging of important
> error states, then proceed to try various nefarious things.

I was envisioning the parameter to be like other logging parameters, for
example "log_statement":  only superusers can set the parameter or GRANT
that privilege to others.  Also, a superuser could use ALTER ROLE to set
the parameter for all sessions by that role.

> It seems to me the above questions interact; an answer to the first might be
> "ALTER ROLE role_specification SET configuration_parameter", but I think that
> would allow roles to change their own settings, contrary to the concern
> raised by the second question.

If a superuser sets "log_statement" on a role, that role cannot undo or change
the setting.  That's just how I plan to implement the new parameter.

Laurenz Albe

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